Personal Message


This is Chunji's sweet little home. He shares his small space with a black Irish Wolfhound and occasionally a Macaw, when she decides to return. His draft horses, LiveWire and Orla (below, respectively) transport his abode with ease, and help him plow fields, as well as ward off unwanted foes. 

This mighty beast's name is Canon, for his bellow and bark are as loud as a firing cannon, but his howling is melodic when Chunji serenades with him. 

And here is Clacky, the noisy Macaw who only returns home once in a blue moon, who loves to bring gifts and stalk the other vampires Chunji befriends in his travels. 

On any given day, this is what Chanhee might wear. 

gay a f
about chanhee


Chunji, a 312-year-old vampire, is a free-spirited lad who never seems to grow up. Always being scolded and reprimanded to behave more "his age," Chunji can't help but find subtle beauty in the world around him and rejoice in it all. After all, who wouldn't be appreciative of life after being born undead? His interests are dancing, singing, writing, acting, making others laugh, and eating. Hardly aware of the humans and their strife, nor the werewolves and theirs, he is naive and optimistic. He has never met another race beside his own, after a near-death experience. He cannot remember anything from before he was awoke, no matter how hard he has tried for the last three centuries. as far as he knows, he is only 312, but he has been suspected of being at least four hundred and eighty. 

Living from a wooden caravan and nature itself, Chunji is a survivalist. He is great at stalking his prey from the shadows, and has surprising strength and speed that enables him to take down mighty game. He's well-learned in herbology and potions-making, as well as various healing talents.  His fashion of choice is a traditional Gypsie garb; thin, transparent garments with bangles and beads, jewelry of many different makes, and a color besides the original brown in his hair, and a single tattoo on his lower back-- this is his look from sunrise to sunset. Regarding the sun, he loves it-- basking and bathing and frolicking in the heavy heat are also a great pastime.

<-- (ur welcum) - - OOC 


Uhh... Ah, yeah, about me... okay? well, my name is harmony angel blade, seriously. i know it's dumb to share your real name, but like, who here cares rite-

/kill me pls

female; married, wife and i are 20. our one-year anniversary is on august 16th :) alright... more things... uh... right- i smoke a m e t r i c  - t o n  of cannabis. i am totally incorporating it into chunji's biography rn

now to the real

i prefer third over first (please don't ask me to do first-- i am absolute r u b b i s h - like dog , but worse-- more like trump otl.) 

rooms over walls, simply for the aspect of keeping the roleplay active and earning points-- i will get confused and lose and bury posts, though-- so feel free to poke me after just an hour if you're bored l o l 

plotting is a must with me-- i need direction in my writing, since spontaneity usually leaves me lost for muse quickly



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