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killing me



stray kids

chase me

dream catcher

out of luck


talk is overrated

jeremy zucker ft. blackbear

small tracker












hanbin was born as an angel, however, thanks to his father who was no other than a warlock, who cast a spell on him. his mother had died to protect him. as he was born into the same species of his mother, they had decided to live under fos, under the promise of his father to never use dark magic. turns out fos population didn't like his father and the best way they found to get back at him was exactly targetting his son, intending to kill him so the warlock would go back to sko. turns out that that one day they attacked hanbin's family, they ended up killing his mother, the angel who died to protect another angel.

his father then, decided to bring hanbin back to sko, where he started a new life, without his mother. his father soon abandoned him, in what seemed like a prision, a house hanbin's dad had built when he was young. the spell was cast on hanbin, that spell consisted in eternity.

from that day, countless were the times hanbin had tried to get rid of the spell, he even tried killing himself quite a few times just to be proven that the spell only brought him termendous pain and back to life. until today, hanbin lives by himself inside that house, where he found his father's dark magic books.

he is self taught on basically everything and slowly, due to the sadness, madness and whatever else he was fed on, he had turned into a demon. 

history / about


Last updated 2018 august. 13.

Aliquam vel pellentesque lectus, at sollicitudin mi. Phasellus eget condimentum orci. Nulla consequat, quam auctor consectetur consequat, nulla turpis elementum mauris, vitae rutrum metus eros sit amet ante. Etiam quis diam quis elit congue bibendum et ut nibh. Nam ligula ligula, convallis sed vestibulum vel, vulputate eu risus. Donec at luctus augue. Praesent consectetur magna eget velit sagittis bibendum. Cras congue lectus velit, sed sollicitudin mi convallis vel. Suspendisse elementum euismod dolor sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse ultrices auctor sem, eget tempus sapien semper sed.

Quisque leo augue, facilisis nec tempus sed, vulputate vel nisl. Aliquam dapibus lacus a condimentum varius. Suspendisse euismod diam erat, et hendrerit dolor vehicula vel. Sed vehicula risus nunc, at euismod tortor egestas sit amet. In tincidunt metus eu cursus feugiat. Nam ex nisi, efficitur sed sem faucibus, bibendum volutpat augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut hendrerit tellus et nisi dictum, id congue justo aliquet. Pellentesque imperdiet magna ut suscipit aliquet. Integer sed augue vitae justo tristique varius in sed elit. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris ultricies tempus feugiat.

personality / quirks


Last updated 00 month. day.

my beloved


name: here.

date: here.

status: here.

Suspendisse a eros libero. Pellentesque ultrices consectetur lacinia. Suspendisse arcu mi, molestie et congue quis, posuere eu nisi. Duis euismod eget lectus sed fringilla. Donec tempor turpis turpis, sit amet tempus eros pellentesque eu. Mauris orci augue, cursus sed venenatis eu, pellentesque a quam. Nullam at erat fermentum, dignissim purus sed, feugiat lorem. Integer lobortis tincidunt nisi aliquet imperdiet. Aliquam porttitor quis felis eget lacinia.

ONE. Pellentesque condimentum vel nisl et rutrum.

TWO. Ut eget quam nisi. Phasellus ac quam at nulla vulputate fermentum nec nec augue.

THREE. Fusce bibendum quis lacus rhoncus eleifend. Mauris massa lacus, porta et dui vel, sagittis maximus ligula. Proin volutpat lacus neque, et commodo metus posuere eget. Nulla varius iaculis quam, vitae egestas ante cursus a.

FOUR. Sed nisi elit, condimentum bibendum orci at, dictum pulvinar metus. Nunc blandit, lacus convallis imperdiet semper, risus sem varius leo, vel faucibus orci sapien in tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque dignissim condimentum urna ac porttitor.

FIVE. Phasellus a euismod nibh. Sed id viverra urna. Sed id molestie felis.

SIX. Fusce ultricies ex ac finibus tempor.

SEVEN. Maecenas molestie nec turpis eget facilisis.

out of character


Last updated 00 month. day.

Scenario title.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Suspendisse venenatis ut erat ac vestibulum. Sed interdum eu enim a commodo. Donec in purus ac tellus sagittis tempus. Sed vehicula tellus id blandit posuere. Etiam a malesuada dui. Maecenas at sodales mi, eget mollis elit. Fusce ut mi blandit, varius sapien et, iaculis arcu. Suspendisse hendrerit vel mauris non tempus. Cras tortor orci, pharetra eu laoreet vehicula, hendrerit quis leo.

Scenario title.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque ornare erat vitae iaculis pulvinar. Aenean vitae massa eget metus pharetra lobortis in facilisis ex. Nam sit amet nisl in massa scelerisque porta. Fusce a lacus ipsum. Phasellus eget enim pretium, consectetur ipsum non, facilisis tellus. Aliquam rhoncus magna eget imperdiet pretium. Quisque orci magna, sollicitudin eget urna sit amet, tristique facilisis nibh. Praesent at ipsum varius, elementum velit nec, semper ligula. Fusce at ante ipsum. Praesent lacinia non ante sit amet consectetur. Suspendisse sit amet facilisis ligula. Curabitur vel tristique tortor. Quisque interdum vulputate nulla rutrum feugiat. Aliquam tempor consequat elit at volutpat. Fusce vitae suscipit nibh, in egestas orci.



Last updated 00 month. day.

friends / icons


Last updated 00 month. day.


your shadow is not yours, simply the reflection of the power i hold. wherever you go, remember, i'm right behind you. it's not me who belongs to you, it's part of you all that belongs to me, consequently, you owe me more than just sympathy.


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muse 31%


writing quality 2%


speed 85%


activity 70%