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basic information
updated 00 month 0000
dannie, nini, dan, princess.
date of birth
18th june
relationship status
spouse / current partner
matthew kim
writing style
para and novella
pov preference
detailed 1st and 3rd
little to no patience when it comes to pushy, impatient and illeterate people. you're ed if you're any of these. and more if you're all three.
history / about
updated 00 month 0000
borne the sole daughter in a set of twins to korean-french parents, she is the queen of the underground, half of the heir of the biggest mafia clan.
she is the princess of the house; a spoiled brat who hates everyone but the few people she allows in her life. anti-social with an i-am-better-than-you attitude, she tends to stay away from crowds and parties, attending gatherings only when there is something to benefit out of it.
growing up with every single of her whims, wishes and wants catered to on a plate of gold and diamonds, she is less than considerate and kind to people, utterly selfish as any spoiled brat would be. what people think and see firsthand when they meet her is how she is the typical rich brat who has to have her way with things, one way or another but that stubborness did come in handy to the clan.
a headstrong, cutthroat businesswoman who runs an empire of both black and white market businesses, dannie has adopted her mother's maiden name as an alias, finding it easier to pry off her father's nametag and deal with her responsibilities by herself. leading the empire that her ancestors had so painstakingly built, taking it by the reigns and dragging it to soaring new heights, she takes pride in proving people wrong. a sight to behold in the meeting room (and in life generally), she doesn't tolerate even the littlest of mistakes when it comes to the family business which constitutes of drugs, weapons manufacturing, ion, real estate, hoteliries amongst others. some find her inflexible when it comes to work, but when you're running an entire empire of billions if not trillions and are onto world domination, bending over for someone lesser than you is out of the question.
personality / quirks
updated 00 month 0000
personality junk headstrong, stubborn, ruthless when it comes to business, money-minded, materialistic, spoiled, sarcastic, anti-social, bratty.
Likes money, diamonds, travelling, pretty things, food and desserts.
Dislikes People.
Hobbies shopping, travelling, netflix and chilling by herself.
Secrets lowkey needs a friend or just someone to be there.
Fears the dark. reptiles especially snakes.
trivias need to know.
- kinks: ddlg, public /, manhandling, rough, biting/marking, exhibitionist/voyeurism, more+
- hard limits: and piss.
- her type of people: those who have the patience to put up with her, given her low tolerance of people.
my beloved
updated 00 month 0000

over name.
date: here.
status: here.
unfortunately for you lot of misfits, her one true love -for now- remains herself. it's just a matter of when and how that king in shining armor will come and sweep her off her feet.
but if you realllyyy wanna know...
she is the type of girl who would fall head over heels for anyone who puts up with her and isn't afraid to tell her when she needs to stop. she admits to preferring the typical tall, dark and handsome lad and isn't attracted much to men who are skinny and general bores. confidence, poise and tough side is appealing to her. she will never lie and say that looks don't matter; in the eye of the public (well more to her eyes to feast on) it's hella important.
out of character
updated 00 month 0000
ONE. information here.
TWO. information here.
THREE. information here.
FOUR. information here.
FIVE. information here.
SIX. information here.
SEVEN. information here.
updated 00 month 0000
Esse quam videri.
genre, rating, status, etc.
Suspendisse placerat sodales tellus ac maximus. Mauris ac tincidunt orci. Etiam eget finibus magna. In ex odio, vulputate eget erat vitae, rutrum cursus massa. Nullam purus erat, ornare fringilla ornare eget, consectetur vitae libero. Morbi dapibus risus at efficitur cursus. Pellentesque maximus erat quis sollicitudin vehicula. Pellentesque viverra accumsan sem, eget tincidunt lectus.
Vestis virum reddit.
genre, rating, status, etc.
Sed accumsan ligula felis, a fermentum diam rhoncus ac. Integer quam arcu, vestibulum vitae elit auctor, dictum hendrerit nunc. Phasellus ultricies risus eu risus fermentum tincidunt. Nulla tristique sapien ut ultrices sodales. Nunc laoreet arcu nisl, ac vulputate nisl placerat in. Vestibulum ipsum turpis, mattis ac velit at, pellentesque vestibulum arcu. Aliquam lorem velit, varius et dolor nec, aliquet dignissim mauris. Cras laoreet commodo nulla, ac maximus magna hendrerit quis. Mauris egestas felis eget augue mollis, at convallis nulla tincidunt. Nunc gravida, augue et commodo pretium, ligula mi varius ex, vitae congue mauris ex sit amet massa. Donec cursus lorem et ipsum tincidunt iaculis. Maecenas nunc augue, laoreet non consectetur et, luctus non est. Pellentesque lectus libero, finibus ac massa in, viverra dictum neque. Nulla ultricies id leo quis sagittis.
friends / icons
updated 00 month 0000

dannie riel.
mood 56%
muse 72%
writing quality 48%
reply speed 34%
activity 88%

top 4 playlist
unravel me
sabrina claudio
alina baraz ft. khalid
kickin back
mila j
one last night
vaults (hippie sabotage remix)