Personal Message
Jennie Kim
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   NP : And July by Heize ft DEAN
Jennie Kim, a girl of class and elegance. Being an heirress of one of the fastest growing fashion companies. Her parents always traveling, and trying to expand their business in many ways. When they heard of the new town being built just a few miles away from their home, they sent their only daughter, Jennie, to the town. Jennie was very reluctant to the idea at first because they only wanted her to expand the family company, but after a while she thought that moving to the up and coming town would help her build more to her blog. 
Now trying something new Jennie is living life in the town trying to get to know the other residents, and do more for her own income than her parents. Of course they only choose to support her as long as she continues the family business - so her battle with choosing what she loves over who she loves is one she has to fight everyday. 
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sapien massa, lobortis a dolor ac, cursus mattis eros.
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam sagittis libero in dui cursus volutpat. Praesent a auctor orci, a lacinia nulla. Aliquam ultricies lectus quis nibh porta vestibulum.
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna.
Not Taken.
Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna tempor id. Suspendisse eget leo erat. Sed sem eros, tempus et lectus nec, luctus mollis augue. Donec laoreet accumsan risus, quis ullamcorper sapien fermentum id.
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out of character
GMT :  -5
Writing Style :  1st & 3rd
Reply Speed : 6 / 10

Disclaimer : I work weekends
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sapien massa, lobortis a dolor ac, cursus mattis eros. liquam erat volutpat. Aliquam sagittis libero in dui cursus volutpat. Praesent a auctor orci, a lacinia nulla. Aliquam ultricies lectus quis nibh porta vestibulum.

jung jinsoul6:24:43 PMReply

when jennie looks like a snack, but jungkook still looks like ghost milk.

#2 - Jennie - Daniel - Taeyong - Hailee - Jiwon

hailee steinfeld | haibabe 4 hours ago Reply 

jennie was the cutest leader uwu

daniel howell 4 hours ago Reply 

team meraki was the cutest