being a male of the species, jongin’s tribe gave men the hunter job and the women the gatherer job. that was the usual role, but a man wouldn’t turn down a woman as part of the hunting pack, and a woman wouldn’t turn down a man for going out to pick berries. they coincided well with each other, and jongin loved to hunt.
as a kid, jongin and his father would go out and hunt the smaller creatures. jongin’s father and his friends would bring back the big game, and if jongin was lucky enough, he would bring back a few of the flying animals.
when he got older, the village recognized jongin’s skills. he was kind, intelligent, and selfless. he was voted leader of their tribe, the chief.
as jongin matured, more women looked for his hand. he was strong, good looking, and of course, the chief. jongin’s father had him marry the daughter’s chief of a tribe nearby, joining the two tribes together. they were in love. they were in love until the day when she died giving birth to his son.
his son is still a child, and jongin takes care of him himself. the council of the tribe talk about bringing all the tribes of pluto together, making a civilization. jongin remains on the fence, but he does keep good relationships with other tribes.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tempus, lorem id viverra faucibus, odio leo imperdiet massa, at rhoncus odio nunc vitae felis. Praesent suscipit molestie dapibus. Aenean et lectus mollis, pharetra nulla a, lobortis augue.
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