Personal Message
jung jinsoul.
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figure skating is to saturn as football is to america; its everywhere. jinsoul was born to a family of particularly famous figure skaters, so it was only natural that the sport be passed down to her. she adored the activity and excelled in it, soon passing the talent of her parents themselves. Jin-skating-soul, they called her.
that was all until she was 19. her whole life had led up to this moment: a pair skating competition that was to be broadcasted across the planet. partnered with her cousin, another renowned figure skater, she was adamant on taking gold. But a faulty move led to a blade to the face.
just like that everything came crashing down.
the blade cut through her left eye, leaving her permanently blind. the doctors did what they could but deemed the situation useless, opting for an ice eye instead. left with a clear and cloudy orb in her left socket and a scar from the tip of her nose to past her eyebrow, jinsoul's confidence hit rock bottom. she quit figure skating not only due to the injury but due to the immense amounts of shame and embarassment. she had let her family down and had had her ultimate downfall broadcasted for all to see, no less.
she is only now getting back off of her feet after falling into a deep depression. she now works at a bar in her family's town, hiding her 'disgusting' eye with a patch.
she's vowed never to touch the rink again for her own good.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc facilisis ipsum vitae ligula maximus, in porttitor nibh dignissim. Donec ornare ullamcorper ex. Praesent a suscipit dolor. Nullam eget urna elementum, sollicitudin tortor in, lobortis metus. Nunc eget justo sed neque fermentum blandit non in dolor. Sed id venenatis leo, vitae rhoncus nulla. Aenean iaculis dolor eu accumsan commodo.