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kwon soonyoung 56 seconds ago Reply
wong yukhei18:25:22Reply
kwon soonyoung11:22:50 PMReply
wong yukhei18:22:30Reply
"hyung your arm is like a baguette"
- soonyoung 2k18

I like baguettes.

and i like you

/flushing crimson/


kwon soonyoung 4 minutes ago Reply

/flushing darker/
I-I think Yukhei likes me guys...

kwon soonyoung 9 minutes ago Reply

I can't believe i ing said that

kwon soonyoung 9 minutes ago Reply
Wong Yukhei now takes up the other half of my world.

kwon soonyoung 31 minutes ago Reply
/yells out from the kitchen/
I love you!


kwon soonyoung 1 hour ago Reply 
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡I love lucas♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


kwon soonyoung 40 seconds ago Reply
Know who else is fine?




kwon soonyoung2:10:39 AMReply
/pads over to Lucas quietly like a kitten/

wong yukhei2:10:11 AMReply
and kitten i think i’m going to bed now. come kiss your boyfriend


kwon soonyoung 22 hours ago Reply 

wong yukhei 22 hours ago Reply 

kwon soonyoung 22 hours ago Reply 
WiCk mY fUkeN tOof!

wong yukhei 22 hours ago Reply 
i would wiCk yeR fukeN toof

kwon soonyoung 22 hours ago Reply 
Wuucas should wick my toof


kwon soonyoung 28 minutes ago Reply

@wong yukhei At least I'm king of something, right?
/laughs amused before taking a deep breath in/
Well, timezone and all but, stuff it, I'm gonna say it cause i love you and cannot wait another moment!
Happy 20th birthday, Wong Yukhei! You walked into my life nearly three months ago, or rather you a door and fate threw us together because honestly, who wouldn't fall for you with all that charismatic awkward charm? 
You're sweet, warm hearted, noisy, funny - i have so many words i can use to describe you and every one of them is more embarrassing than the last. I don't know where i would be if i hadn't met you but I'm glad i did because I've never felt the way i do about you ever before.
I love you, my adorably tall birthday pup.


kwon soonyoung7:28:45 PMReply

wong yukhei [A] 6 minutes ago Reply
are you asking me to pollinate you



name's stickers sheet 
Wong Yukhei ~
My Wuucas
wong yukhei; wow, it's already been four months since we began our lives together as a couple. i never realised just how special a person could be until i met you. in our short time together, we've achieved so much - and i don't just mean we've found endless surfaces to have on! no, you have been there for me through some of my toughest days, and you've helped to keep me grounded. I remember a day where I had to go somewhere, and I was a little afraid to go alone and rightfully so because i ended up almost hurt and despite me insisting i was okay, you weren't having any of that - you cracked me open, showed me how to bleed out thr pain and the hurt so you could fill me back up with your caring and your love. You literally have been rebuilding me the last few months, and I didn't know just how bad i needed to be fixed until you showed up and started piecing me back together, showing me what it means to be cared for and to be loved by others but most importantly, you've shown me how to love myself. i know i make mistakes, some that hurt you but you grit your teeth and hold it all in because you've never been one for confronting. i like to hope in the least that i'm improving where i need do, and that i'm not adding to your stress. i find you have been made a huge part of my life. There isn't a day that goes by that you aren't there for me in some way. Whether it's for just a moment, to tell me you love me, or the entire day - perhaps making a mess of my work and ourselves or enjoying some Walking Dead and other shows on rabbit. I love coming home to you, waking up to you; spending our days talking endlessly. there's so much about you i adore, and i don't believe there is anything about you i don't like or could want you to change. how you are right now, is how i love you and as we both grow together as a couple, i'll just keep falling all the more in love with you. you're my everything, yukhei, and i feel incredibly lucky to have had you fall into my life - or in this case, have you some doors! i love you so much, my pup; my xuxi - my heart. never leave me, and please be patient with me. i never want to be without you. happy four months. and here's to many more months, and years together.
Bad Poem #1:
Roses are red, Violets aren't actually blue. All I know for sure is that everyday, I can't stop thinking about you.

Bad Poem #2:
I always wondered why we don't have multiple hearts even though our limbs number at two, But then I realised it's because my second heart is a part of you.

Bad Poem #3: Watermelons are green but they're also red, Without you by my side, I may as well be dead.

Bad Poem #4: Roses are red and Violet are blue I thought I was happy, and then I met you. Violets are actually purple, but roses can be red, I've never felt more at home than I do in your bed.
bad poem #5: i love you, you love me, let's start talking about the birds and the bees.
bad poem #6: to me, you are the sun. there are times where it seems i don't appreciate you, yet without your light shining, i would be cold - i would die. You play such an important part in my life and i cannot be without you.


month #01
#02 month #02
#03 month #03
#04 month #04
#05 i finished it