Personal Message



Lee Joowon   |  19   |   Panual   |    Script Writer

Joowon was raised by two loving parents alongside three siblings, though always wanted to make something of herself. As soon as she turned 18 she moved away from home to get into script writing. During this time she moved in with a couple, who she ended up dating, though after a few months and a messy break up she ended up homeless. Out of sheer desperation she sent one of her scripts to rough cut and now she has herself a job as a script writer and a reasonable comfortable lifestyle, though she’d never tell her parents exactly what she writes for.


Outside of work Joowon is bright, confident, and warm-hearted, finding all the time in the world for her friends. However she’s a complete airhead, and a lot of things seem to fly over her head quite easily which surprises her friends considering the industry she works in. One thing to be aware of is that she hates feeling as though someone has abandoned her and when people either show up late without telling her or just don't show up at all she tends to get angry.

At work she’s serious and a perfectionist, often staying up late to make sure her script is perfect. She’s known to ask people for their thoughts on her work, and will happily give them her thoughts and advice on theirs if they ask.

Joowon almost exclusively writes scenes unless she’s getting paid a lot of money or it’s for someone she really enjoys working for. She prefers scenes as it gives her an outlet for the desires she has but isn’t fully willing to try out just yet.

Joowon dreams of one day making it to Hollywood to write for the big films there, but she knows that isn’t likely and she’s more than happy with her current job, even if she does lie about it to her family.


Turn offs


yeah that’s pretty much it


Plot Ideas

1. Joowon doesn’t have the best taste, and almost right after she left home at 18 she found herself living with a couple that she ended up ‘involved’ with. That break up was sour and now, months later, she’s finding the photos that she shared with them both being uploaded to various different sites. Though she’s contacted the authorities and they are doing what she can, some of the websites won’t take the photos down after just one report, so now she’s coming to you, believing that she can trust you to help her.

2. You and Joowon get stuck in a lift together and try to kill time by getting to know each while you wait for an engineer to come and get you both out.

2a. Same as above but we really don’t get along with each other and somehow we end up over sharing as to why we don’t like each other

3. Joowon has had a lot of people disappear on her, so after you miss a meeting to go over a script she really isn’t happy (Angst)

4. You and Joo dated when you were in school but after countless times that you didn’t show up to dates you broke up. Now that you’ve met again you’ve both decided to try and be friends again and forget the past. After your bus is late to a movie night and you forget to let Joo know, you find out that the past really hasn’t been forgotten. (Angst)

5. You’ve known about Joowon’s crush on you for a while, and you’ve mostly ignored it or tried to be nice about it. Now she’s writing your next scene and you’ve realised that you can manipulate this situation and control exactly what goes into this script without anyone ever really finding out.

6. You and Joowon have known each other for at least a couple of months, but only recently you've started getting close. Now you've both declared how much you hate sleeping alone and somehow you've came to a deal to stay at each others houses and keep each other company during the night. [Fluff or , could even lead to angst]

7. Not very well thought out but I want to do an argument turned aggressive makeout and hate ing session because who doesn’t love writing that .



I’m 22 and down for anything really. You want ? I’m down. You want angst? Hell yeah! You want dark? Hit me up

But yeah, just hit me up for any plots at all

22 | U.K. | Dumb

I work weekends, usually 2pm-11pm GMT so I won't be on regulary during that time