Personal Message

welcome, user!






remember me


history / about.


Getting to know her past.

Hannah Simone was born and raised in Belgate city, only leaving for college. Her parents divorced when she was in elementary school, causing Hannah to be constantly moving between her mother's and her father's houses. She was closer with her mother, but even with her Hannah was uncertain whether she belonged in the family. She didn't know her place.


In high school, Hannah began spending time with the more delinquent-type kids; she started drinking at the age of sixteen and smoking by the time she was seventeen. Her grades in school shot down, but she made sure that they were always just high enough to pass classes and eventually graduate. When she decided to go to college, it was to major in a bull topic – English Literature.


College proved to be a challenge. Again, Hannah found herself unsure of where she belonged. There were cliques of artsy-fartsy kids in the English department, and then there were the kids who used their time in different, less productive ways. Hannah fell in with them.


She began using in the Spring semester of her freshman year. Nothing mattered to her. She did not care how her actions affected others, and she did not care about her own wellbeing. By the Fall semester of her senior year, she had overdosed three times. The final time, when she woke up in the ever-familiar hospital bed to the ever-familiar flourescent lights and smell of rubbing alcohol, she knew that enough was enough. Upon being discharged from the hospital, Hannah turned her life around. Ever since then, she has worked as an advisor at the youth center in Belgate city, working to help at-risk youth turn their lives around.

personality / quirks.


Getting to know who she is.

AGE  26

PERSONALITY bright, perky, but not extra about it. kindhearted.

LIKES movie dates, food, honest people.

DISLIKES negative parental pressure on kids.

CAREER advisor at the youth center.

SECRETS doesn't have many friends – yet!

MORALITY bad turned good.

— extremely protective of children.
— too wary for her own good.

her demon.


The dark one.

park jamie / marchosias

her demon.

since 2019.01.14


out of character.


The typist's notes and guidelines.

ONE I have a life of my own and my muse comes and goes as it pleases (that ) – there's a good chance I'll get pulled away from the RP for either of those reasons T T don't worry, I haven't forgotten! I've just been devoured by the Responsibility Gremlin or the Despair Troll.

TWO Please refrain from prodding me for replies... don't do it to me and I won't to you. Also if I get prodded, it makes that ol' Dispair Troll come strolling in and makes me not want to reply lol

THREE I like to RP in 3rd POV, anywhere from semi-para to multi-para. However, the casual 1st POV descriptive can be done too~ just keep in mind that I like using the former for more flushed out plots.

scenarios / current rps.


Plots & situations for the character.


in progress, hospital

Hannah comes to the hospital in search of the director of the youth counseling center, but instead finds Jamie, her demon, in charge of the kids.


in progress, youth center

Jimin comes to the youth center in look for a volunteer position involving music.



good christian boye mark is smitten with hannah


pics for later