Personal Message

yang jeongin 6 hours ago Reply

@yoon sanha Most people at this time still don't understand us and our love, they term us as children, what do we know about love? They haven't been with us for our three-month journey, never went through our trial and errors. God, it's been tough, hasn't it? But we stuck with it. You are my best friend, my closest confidant, the person who I've kept closest in my heart. We can get twenty people telling us we aren't right and I will argue all the reason's that we are. 
Not once in these past three months have you ever let me feel unloved. You blissfully drown me in these feelings of affection and take care of me through mood-swings, illnesses, we don't pretend to be happy. We are honest and communicate even though I have a fear of confrontation. You don't allow me to be a shell, you encourage me to be myself, and not shy away from the things that scare me. The best moments are when your arms are tight around me and I can hear your heart beating against your chest. I feel connected to you then, and I just smile to myself and hope that I get to spend forever listening to it. Music is in our blood, but your heartbeat is the most beautiful sound that has ever existed. 
When I become sad, you've learned to listen, comfort and bring me down from that place of anxiety. You are such a strength to me and I know I can be a lot, my emotions run high and I'm very passionate, especially when I feel strongly about something but so are you. You, however, have taught me to face adversity head-on, to not let others push me around. I feel like with you, I finally gained my voice. You, my love, are perseverant, determined and passionate. Although no one else knows our beginning, I'll remember that day with laughter. To me, you resemble a pirate. You share many similar qualities, such as being roguish. Think back to that first day, our first few words, maybe you'll get it, if not I'll tell you. You are driven and firm, you know what you want and won't stop until you get it. I wish I was as brave and head-strong as you, but I know that you're transforming me into a better person. 
Feelings like these don't grow in a day or two, but in time, slowly. I've loved you for a while, but, I want to love you for forever. I want to hold your hand until it is physically impossible to do so any longer. 
We have dreams and wishes that others don't look favorably upon, but they don't know you, or me, as well as any of them, think they do. You know me best, inside and out, this heart of mine. We've sacrificed so much, but we've grown as a couple. We understand one another better and our relationship has bloomed into something so unbelievably beautiful. I don't think I've ever felt so happy before... Or so loved. There is a bond of trust that we have built that no one can ever break and I hold you in the highest regard because ultimately, my heart has been yours from day one to day one hundred and five. I count that from October 14th, even though we never started dating until the 28th. I was just smitten. The way you smiled at me, your teasing banter. I found a home with you, and I've never been made to feel like I don't belong. This little home we've made together in our hearts. It's one that has been built from the ground up, with sweat, effort and a lot of patience. We've created a dynamic that has transformed and become something so beautiful even as we change as people. 
Talking about changes, I've noticed minuscule details that have changed, but you know what? I've come to love those, even more, we're not those people we were in the beginning but we fit each other so much easier, and we're on equal footing. I know, that we've never celebrated an anniversary before, but what is one or two months compared to a third? The reason why this anniversary is significant to me is that we're a quarter of the way there. Twelve months in a year, and we've already surpassed three. I just... want to congratulate us. It was never easy, no matter how much you love someone nothing is ever, ever going to be easy. There are days when we're upset with one another, where one of us makes a shady dig, or is a little passive aggressive, mainly myself. Thank you for never leaving me alone in those moments, for always being so understanding and caring even when I don't deserve it. Thank you for accepting me and all my weird quirks that drive others insane. You've said this before and I found it a little hilarious. That you were the only one I'd ever listen to because you know how to handle me best. You're not wrong, because you are this calming atmosphere, you balance me, even though you can be a ball of aggressive energy. I'm happy though, that you can finally release it. You no longer have to keep an image of control. You can finally release your emotions, whether they be good or bad and feel no shame. You shouldn't be ashamed for sticking up for yourself, or even me, because sometimes you know that I don't have the strength to. You choose to be my strength as I want to be yours. I want to hold you up when you're hurting, and to kiss your temple and tell you that even when you're at your lowest point, I would love you then, a million times more than I have ever loved you because that's when you'll need to feel the love the most. To feel the unconditional support. You're not alone, because I'll be there, holding you together. 
I love you pumpkin, and even if no one else understands our love, they can't see our experiences. Only a small glimpse into the life we've had together thus far. But remember, I've got you, you've got me and that's all we really need. We've left everything behind before, but we've built it all back up and our foundation has only gotten thicker because we can recreate everything else, friendships, new memories but the one thing that has always remained... is us. 
Happy three months pumpkin, I know that technically it's not our anniversary date for me but it is for you, so I wanted to give it to you, on your day. 
- love bubs.
