Personal Message
Name: Kim Minseok
DOB:03/21/2000 (18)
Power: Thermokinesis; the ability to heat or cool objects by adding or removing energy from an item
Teacher or Student: Teacher
Hero or Sidekick: Sidekick
Background: Minseok grew up fairly normally. He was a good student had loving parents and kept himself out of trouble... for the most part. His powers manifested not long after puberty and that's when things got considerably tougher for him. It started pretty innocuously; strange bouts of fever from seemingly nowhere, frosted footprints in the locker room and the shower. Needless to say, no human doctor could identify why his body temperature would change so drastically, until one doctor suggested he might, just might have the X-gene. With one test they determined he was not entirely human. His parents shied from the idea that he might be different, that he might "turn into a villain". Minseok couldn't bear to look into their eyes and see the fear, the distrust.... how could something so insignificant change so much. Scared of himself and scared of what he might become Minseok began to train, he spent hours trying to control his powers with varying levels of success, often hurting himself in the process but he was making progress. Until his parents caught him training and seeing the scars on his body forbid the use of his powers. Minseok couldn't stop, not when he was so close to having control. Seeing no other option he packed a bag kissed his sleeping parents and slipped away into the night to show up on the doorstep of New Heroes Academy two days later.