
kim hanbin 18 minutes ago Reply @kim jiwon but  just seeing you and being near you makes me kinda soff yknow  

kim hanbin 11 minutes ago Reply Room → @kim jiwon I’m not sure how to say things sometimes around you but I’ll try my best at forming these words even if it does get a little cheesy but who cares about that long as  I’m able to say what I got to right? bobu, you make me feel the jitters in my heart. it’s a little unsettling sometimes when I wasn’t able to comprehend  that feeling but now I realized that I just really have the  feels toward you, yknow? As if you can’t breathe when  the person you adore walks into the room and all you see is them in slow motion with all those intricate features that really makes that person so- hng.  cause that happens all the time when I see you...really. and whenever you get all excited about my hugs or  kisses, I could never properly keep my nonchalant  behavior bc I find it so damn endearing.. whenever you’re not around I end up falling into our tags on all these  social media apps that it drives me a little crazy but... I end up seeing myself through the reflection on my devices and I notice how wide my smile is at the sight of you and me together