Personal Message

Background. —   Zabdiel was born half-blood, a muggle father and a witch mother. On a family holiday when he was young, he fell victim to an attack that since left him with a lifelong condition. His father, unable to care for his illness adequately, essentially relenquished custody fully to Zabdiel's mother. He was subsequently raised by a single witch who taught him the basics about potions and herbology to combat his sickness as much as possible. He doesn't let on about his condition and few have any idea he's as sick as he is, as he will find himself experimenting with new concoctions to prolong the advance of symptoms. He's not the typical Strixtalon bookworm, but his nose will be in a new book if there's any information about his condition in the pages. 

Details. —  Zabdiel's family is Boricua. He comes to Filotimo as a transfer from Castelobruxo, where they speak mostly Spanish. Still comfortable in Filotimo due to it's location, he still has difficulty sometimes with English. He does however use this to his advantage, occasionally pretending his English is weaker than it is to lure ladies in for the night with his accent and charm. Very athletic, he is the captain and star Keeper of the Strixtalon House Quidditch team. His cousin, Leslie Martinez, attends here as well, though in the Bristlebane house.
Personality. —  Zabdiel is very hesitant to trust new people with more than just the most basic of information about him. Though popular and well liked among his peers, many don't know the most simple of details that a friend would know about each other's history. He definitely enjoys a night of partying, but will use the liquor and whichever lady he's found that night to release the stress and tension. As much as he enjoys joking and dancing in a crowd, he's never boisterous or the center of attention. 

OOC. —  My work schedule is insanity. I try to be on later EST if possible and intermittently throughout the day. But I'm very approachable, if not the best at plotting as I'm relatively new to the entire RPR thing. I'm always good for , angst, and fluffy romantic things, but the first two come a lot easier to me than the latter. If you have any ideas for Zabdiel with your character, please message me!