Personal Message
DADA major. 
Details:  Christopher Velez was born to a muggle family in Quito, Ecuador, and moved to England when he was 12.  Despite his family not being a huge part of the wizarding war when it reached its peak, the Velez family unfortunately did not escape unscathed. Christopher lost his father, and at the age of 15, had to step up to become the breadwinner of his family, pushing off his education so that he could provide for his mother and two sisters. He was found by Headmaster Cresswell after being found using magic as a side street act, something Chris resorted to after being shut out from so many jobs. His education is a bit untraditional, having no real schooling until recently when he enrolled in Filotimo, Chris is a self taught wizard that seems to have a unique bond to magic, seeing as he learn's it much faster than his schoolmates. 
Personality: Think of your stereotypical jock, minus the douchebag qualities. Christopher's everybody's best friend, even to those who might be less than welcoming to a muggle born wizard who tends to outshine the rest of the pureblood students when it comes to duels and spells. He's a cuddlebug, a softy on the inside that's usually reflected on the outside, if one was to look past his boy exterior.  Think: a more outgoing but still as endearing Newt Scamander. 
OOC: I'm on pretty frequently, if I end up not responding right away its usually because I'm at school, with friends, or at work. I enjoy plots, but favor fluffy romance onces, being a diehard romantic at heart (i also sometimes enjoy angst bc i love angsty romance stories heh). I'm open to any plotting and natural events occuring, but just forewarning that I'm new to writing and it takes me a bit longer to write it!



