Personal Message



park chaeyoung


Id#: 378140947

2019 - 2020



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basic information

updated 22 april 2019


chae, rosé, rosie



date of birth

february 11, 2002


highschool student


closeted biual

relationship status


spouse / current partner



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ask to be added!


ask to be added!


ask to be added!

writing style

para to semi para

pov preference



real static reply pace. could reply in 5 minutes or 5 days depending on muse. quality > quantity 


history / about

updated 00 month 0000

born from a marriage of two music producers, it was no surprise for chaeyoung to pick up her first instrument, the piano, at the age of four. with music running through her veins, she's always been more interested in her passion for her songs that her academics. because how is learning chemistry going to help her write better melodies? she's a b+ student at best but phenomenally succeeds in her music career and always brings home the gold in any music competition she competes in. her goal in life is to become a singer-songwriter, but it wasn't always like this. 

even though her music is her source of happiness, chaeyoung has always had a secret desire to become an elementary school teacher where she could dote on the small children. however, she hid this dream away for her parents who only cared about her music career. they were the type to only bat an eye whenever their daughter brought home a music award and ignore all other academic related achievements. chae knew that to gain any attention from them, she had to become a successful musician. as much as she loves her songs, it has been a struggle for her to meet the expectations of her parents. to be more specific, her desire to follow this musical path is divided into thirds. 1/3 for her, 1/3 for her parents, and 1/3 for her late friend haon. haon was her childhood best friend who passed away four years ago in a car accident. they had grown up promising each other to debut as a musical duo together, and chae carries this promise with her everyday.

during breaks, chaeyoung is usually wandering the school while humming songs she's been working on and discovering all of the nooks and crannies that exist on campus. need a place to hide? she knows all of the secret tunels and hidden closets. 

as an open person, she's a social butterfly that likes to befriend people of all groups, but her fear of commitment to anything beside her music prevents her from ever finding true friendships and its the same for her romantic relationshps. she just ends up creating crushes that she'll most likely never follow through with. 


personality / quirks

updated 00 month 0000

personality junk people-oriented, intuitive, observant, aloof, curious

Likes playlists, stargazing, forests, sunlight, naps, literature class.

Dislikes math class, artist's block, .her glasses

Hobbies collecting pressed flowers, writing lyrics, guitar.

Secrets tbd.

Fears spiders, the dark, commitment.

The Quirks Fun Facts About Them.
— her ears get red when she lies.
— has a horrible sense of direction.
— writes about her day in random notes and leaves them in concealed locations on campus.
— can fall asleep anytime and anywhere.
— her friendship bracelet with her late best friend is tied to the end of her guitar.


my beloved

updated 00 month 0000


over name.

date: here.

status: here.

Vestibulum dictum leo massa, eget dictum mauris porta id. Quisque lectus lacus, porta sit amet lobortis et, venenatis et lectus. Integer eleifend augue at tortor mollis porttitor. Curabitur malesuada auctor dolor, quis consectetur arcu cursus et. Cras sagittis fermentum sagittis. Integer imperdiet sapien eu libero lobortis, sit amet finibus massa sagittis. Proin volutpat, ligula quis dignissim rhoncus, est est molestie libero, id laoreet urna diam vitae justo. Donec tempus congue eros, eleifend aliquet nisl blandit a. Vivamus sed diam at lorem convallis porta. Aliquam non lobortis sapien, non faucibus dolor. Duis enim justo, sodales a pulvinar a, porta ac augue. Mauris sit amet nisi lobortis, molestie purus ac, viverra metus. Vivamus quis odio malesuada, fermentum nisi ac, dapibus augue. Etiam vestibulum eget nisi vel fringilla.


out of character

updated 00 month 0000

ONE. pm to plot! i'd prefer to plot over winging.

TWO. open to all genres except .

THREE. gmt-5 but i'm up at the oddest times so does this even matter lskdjf.

FOUR. always remember! ic and ooc are completely different .

FIVE. i value communication and honesty so don't be afraid to be transparent with me because i'll do the same!.



updated 00 month 0000

Esse quam videri.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Suspendisse placerat sodales tellus ac maximus. Mauris ac tincidunt orci. Etiam eget finibus magna. In ex odio, vulputate eget erat vitae, rutrum cursus massa. Nullam purus erat, ornare fringilla ornare eget, consectetur vitae libero. Morbi dapibus risus at efficitur cursus. Pellentesque maximus erat quis sollicitudin vehicula. Pellentesque viverra accumsan sem, eget tincidunt lectus.

Vestis virum reddit.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Sed accumsan ligula felis, a fermentum diam rhoncus ac. Integer quam arcu, vestibulum vitae elit auctor, dictum hendrerit nunc. Phasellus ultricies risus eu risus fermentum tincidunt. Nulla tristique sapien ut ultrices sodales. Nunc laoreet arcu nisl, ac vulputate nisl placerat in. Vestibulum ipsum turpis, mattis ac velit at, pellentesque vestibulum arcu. Aliquam lorem velit, varius et dolor nec, aliquet dignissim mauris. Cras laoreet commodo nulla, ac maximus magna hendrerit quis. Mauris egestas felis eget augue mollis, at convallis nulla tincidunt. Nunc gravida, augue et commodo pretium, ligula mi varius ex, vitae congue mauris ex sit amet massa. Donec cursus lorem et ipsum tincidunt iaculis. Maecenas nunc augue, laoreet non consectetur et, luctus non est. Pellentesque lectus libero, finibus ac massa in, viverra dictum neque. Nulla ultricies id leo quis sagittis.


friends / icons

updated 00 month 0000


park chaeyoung.

created by pixels.

mood 93%


muse 82%


writing quality 67%


reply speed 34%


activity 88%


top 4 playlist


bruno major


pink sweat$

fresh roses

juke ross

get you the moon
