Personal Message
huang renjun
Id#: 287383593
2019 - 2020
basic information
full name
huang renjun
honors society, art
marching band
gmt -4/5
heavily asthmatic
pref. pov/style
3rd pov/semi-para
additional info
replies take awhile
track title
artisttrack title
artisttrack title
artisttrack title
artisttrack title
artisttrack title
section ╱ background
"you should go out more often, renjun." yes, renjun knows. renjun hears it every single day from his mother. and his father. and his siblings, and his uncle, and his peers and—well, you must get the rest. He gets it. he knows he should go out. but have you seen the air out there? with his weak lungs? no, no, no, renjun doesn't think so.
growing up in a full family of seven (his parents, two older brothers, one older sister, and one younger,) there was a lot of ground to cover. the eldest was his sister, almost 12 years older than he, and went to one of the biggest universities in china. the second oldest was his brother, 7 years older than him this time and became a traveling nurse. the eldest brother made a living helping people and seeing the world while doing it.
the third eldest brother was adopted, and he was barely older than renjun. they still go to school together, though no one ever really notices. the two siblings were starkly different, after all.
the youngest was a foster sister, who often called renjun the "lucky one," being the last biological child their parents had. renjun always thought it was stupid. renjun and his youngest sister were closest in age, and thus, the closest pair.
renjun often found solace in three things: art, music, and his little sister. when he wasn't talking to his sister, he was drawing, and when he wasn't drawing, he was listening to music or practicing his flute. though he never found the time to focus on interacting with other people
growing up in a full family of seven (his parents, two older brothers, one older sister, and one younger,) there was a lot of ground to cover. the eldest was his sister, almost 12 years older than he, and went to one of the biggest universities in china. the second oldest was his brother, 7 years older than him this time and became a traveling nurse. the eldest brother made a living helping people and seeing the world while doing it.
the third eldest brother was adopted, and he was barely older than renjun. they still go to school together, though no one ever really notices. the two siblings were starkly different, after all.
the youngest was a foster sister, who often called renjun the "lucky one," being the last biological child their parents had. renjun always thought it was stupid. renjun and his youngest sister were closest in age, and thus, the closest pair.
renjun often found solace in three things: art, music, and his little sister. when he wasn't talking to his sister, he was drawing, and when he wasn't drawing, he was listening to music or practicing his flute. though he never found the time to focus on interacting with other people
section ╱ 情人
name here!
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
section ╱ personality
renjun is known to be socially awkward, stuttering or not always knowing what to say. you'll often see him fiddling with his fingers, clothes, or his inhaler. he knows that he has to be polite, yeah, but he has a problem with eye contact. it makes him... nervous.
around people that he's more familiar with, he's more comfortable. he smiles a lot more, he gets a little toucy, and he expresses a slightly darker sense of humor most of the time.
around people that he's more familiar with, he's more comfortable. he smiles a lot more, he gets a little toucy, and he expresses a slightly darker sense of humor most of the time.
section ╱ fast facts
indie pop, sweet foods, spicy foods, milk, oil paints, classical music (favors brahms and rachmaninoff,) dancing (though it's more or less something he admires, not really something he does,) being in marching band, math,
confrontation, crowds, tight spaces, shouting, arguing, overbearing and problematic situations, revisions, being tired, sour foods, forgetting his inhaler, his asthma and its limitations, (and probably a lot more, but he doesn't like to think he's picky)
painting, flute, marching band (color guard member,)
AP calculus bc, ap chinese, ap hisory, honors physics, band.
(bad?) habits
fiddles with his inhaler, draws on his hands, mumbles,
section ╱ plots
asthma attack ╱ open to anyone
in which everything is going fine until renjun suddenly can't breathe. oh, and lucky for the both of you, renjun doesn't have an inhaler with him. so, you kiss him. i mean, you've read somewhere that holding your breath helps asthma attacks. or— was that panic attacks?
restricted section ╱ open to anyone
renjun spends his time in the restricted section of the library hiding from all the upperclassmen that he just doesn’t want to see. so when he sees a new face in the area that he’s mentally claimed for himself, he freaks out. until he realizes that, for some reason, you’re crying.