Personal Message
shin yechan
Id#: 091869365
2019 - 2020
shin yechan
Aliquam sit amet massa bibendum, rhoncus neque eget, maximus sapien. Phasellus eget metus sodales, ornare dolor quis, varius dolor. Nullam a lacus eu arcu euismod convallis nec et ante. Nulla vitae dolor nec leo fermentum dignissim sit amet vitae lectus.
mood 47%
muse 12%
writing quality 64%
reply speed 91%
shin yechan!
shorthand info
age // 18 ]
date of birth // may 14th, 2001]
orientation // biual ]
classes // foreign languages, ap calculus bc, ap biology, ap chemistry, ap physics]
year // senior/12 ]
user profile
posted 1 day ago
As the first-born to a pair of stellar doctors, it was from the moment Shin Yechan was born that people started ascribing the title “future genius” or “prodigy” to him. Yechan remembers that even before he had entered kindergarten, people would say that he would be an outstandingly smart kid since his parents were both so successful and smart. The pressure put on the young boy from comments like that and from his parents themselves were humongous, but luckily, his parents were forgiving at first. During his elementary school days, they let him study at his own pace but also signing him up for a few tutoring sessions to set him ahead of the grade level. Yechan began with more expectations and things to do than others, so he believed it was all just like this for everyone and found it manageable. At the time, he was also signed up for some other lessons, such as guitar and swimming, but his main ones were academic. It was when he reached middle school that his parents started pushing more of a plan onto his life, and slowly squeezing out all of Yechan’s freedom. From then on, it was decided for him what he was to do, and their main ambition was having their first-born be a great successful doctor just like themselves. Yechan told them that he had other passions he’d rather pursue than being a doctor, but the moment he said that, he was ridiculed. Guilt tripped into believing that anything other than a doctor meant that he was useless, a boy who should have never been born, a big mistake. So he quietly began following those plans, studying so hard and losing the other elements of his life except for the few unrelated lessons to academics that he genuinely loved. But the transition to high school happened, and those loved lessons were easily cut out by his parents in favor of more academics. They would scold Yechan if they found him doing anything outside of studying or helping them out, and it was during this time that Yechan began to really understand what not being “perfect” would entail, in his parents’ eyes.. If he wasn’t perfect, didn’t do these things, he might as well just honor kill himself off. They never said those exact words, but years upon years of high expectations had broken Yechan down into this robot who just wanted to be good enough for once, always believing he had to do more and be more to be acceptable as a human being. After a few years, Yechan’s parents didn’t have to tell him what to do or to study anymore, it just became what he was always doing all by himself. The saying “Only if you sleep 3 hours or less a night, you’re getting into a top university” was almost drilled into him by his parents, so he’s always studying and reviewing and going to lessons until the early hours of the morning, only to sleep for an hour to 3 before getting up and going to school again. The exact plans for him were always to be a well-rounded student, get high marks, and move on to a top med school and then become a doctor, any type he wants— the one area where he gets a choice— and then they said they’ll see from then out. He’s working on those first two right now by always treating people well (better than he does to himself) and managing to do well in the School Council because of it, using his previous swim lesson knowledge and practicing now to do well in swim competitions, alongside , while he just dreams about his true dreams of music. In the early mornings, sometimes he sneaks out with his old guitar just to play and feel like himself for once— but most of the time, he just forces himself into studying super hard until he gets full marks, and the repeat of this is his day to day life.
posted 1 day ago
Shin Yechan is a friendly and kind boy that is also diligent and highly focused. He’s can be a tiny bit quiet when compared to some of the other but very helpful, his first instinct is to always help out a person if he knows how to. He’s a little dry when it comes to humour, gaining the nickname of “No Fun Chan” during his sophomore year, but usually laughs well and smiles at things being said, even if he can’t come up with something just as funny. Hard work is practically his life motto, as he works on some many things and puts his all into every piece of it- causing some people to call him a workaholic. Yechan’s also a total perfectionist, which is part of what fuels his want to work so much, to work until everything is perfect. Despite all of his effort and his kindness to others, Yechan is the opposite of kind when it comes to himself-- he’s never satisfied with whatever he gets. He always feels like he needs to do more, be more- while at the same time, Yechan’s not even really sure who he is or why he’s doing what he’s doing, but just knows that he’s lacking and needs to get better at what he’s doing, help people more, and just be the perfect person others want of him to be.. but he also has a completely different passion, one that lies in music. The utter difference in Yechan can be seen the moment he’s left alone, as his bright smiles shown to others change into blankness, his eyes looking like a void as he’s stuck in his own, degrading thoughts.
posted 3 days ago
who where status
who where status
who where status
who where status
who where status
who where status
who where status
posted 6 days ago
name: here.
date: here.
status: here.
Mauris hendrerit augue purus, id varius arcu iaculis eu. Suspendisse semper lectus ac condimentum tempus. Donec accumsan urna ac ligula egestas, a consectetur elit pharetra. Vestibulum fringilla egestas hendrerit. Nunc congue nisl ac dignissim mollis. Proin at felis quam. Quisque molestie lacus eget viverra lobortis.
out of character!
posted 1 week ago
I. In non nibh eget eros interdum maximus.
II. Mauris accumsan lacinia magna vitae convallis. Pellentesque leo arcu, interdum id gravida nec, tincidunt at leo.
III. Suspendisse condimentum lorem sit amet ipsum congue pretium.
IV. Nullam aliquam ex purus, a efficitur mauris imperdiet eget.
V. Nam quis augue libero.
VI. Aenean quis tortor nec nunc placerat vehicula. Curabitur tristique vestibulum nisi varius ultrices. Nullam non lorem ut nulla rhoncus venenatis ac semper risus.
VII. Ut viverra pulvinar neque ac commodo. Nunc tempor sodales dui. Fusce aliquet, odio vitae varius varius, purus tellus placerat mauris, sed volutpat ligula turpis at urna.
posted 2 weeks ago
scenario title // genre, rating, status, etc.
Nulla sapien enim, semper id nisi quis, mollis interdum augue. Phasellus orci augue, tincidunt sit amet felis eget, tincidunt semper eros. Quisque aliquet mollis mollis. Cras vehicula justo ex, vel mattis libero ornare non. Integer venenatis congue libero, ac sagittis ipsum fermentum sit amet. Praesent quis tristique arcu, eu imperdiet tortor. Curabitur euismod urna vitae ligula posuere efficitur. Duis id arcu at sapien interdum facilisis eu sit amet lorem. Sed venenatis tempor lorem, et scelerisque diam consequat eu. Nam ac ipsum cursus, ullamcorper massa eget, pulvinar sem. In ut interdum nulla. Ut tincidunt, nulla a feugiat egestas, risus urna laoreet nulla, sed varius nibh elit sed elit. Cras elementum sapien a turpis gravida, sit amet lacinia ipsum mollis.
scenario title // genre, rating, status, etc.
In ut laoreet sem, in porttitor arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam eget sapien ligula. Etiam mollis cursus varius. Morbi non dapibus nisi, non accumsan est. In a hendrerit odio. Cras est enim, molestie non sagittis vitae, fringilla at quam. Sed turpis magna, suscipit id elit sed, varius bibendum tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent egestas condimentum lectus, eu lacinia mauris lobortis ut.
posted 4 weeks ago
now playing . . .
♫ Yoon Jisung – end of a day ♫