Personal Message

土 : 海



Current Levels

Mood 90%


Muse 100%


Writing Quality 50%


Reply Speed 30%


Activity 70%


General Availability 80%




1. Please private message (PM) if you'd like to plot! I keep my wall clean for personal musing among other things.

2. If you need to talk about any admin-related business, please private message (PM) the characters linked below. Hedon is for roleplaying only.


3. Never poke me for a response! I'm just slow - I don't forget about replies.


1. I mostly use 3rdPOV - generally para and semi para (sometimes novella, but my replies are very slow then). I can also do detailed 1stPOV (as in: I interlace my fingers with yours, craving some kind of warmth.). Not really up for chat-based 1stPOV as it my muse dry.

2. Please, tell me if you want to drop our thread or change it up at any point!

3. I'll roleplay almost any genres, but please ask me beforehand. For any rules I have regarding you can just PM (private message) me.

4. My current schedule is really just work and home, so I may be around a lot, but please understand that somedays I'm more up for chatting than getting to my replies. I also have admin-business to take care of as well. 

5. I'm GMT-5 (GMT-4 ATM) and you'll see me mostly in the mornings / noon, and maybe sometimes after work.


















Goodbye to a world


Dream sweet in sea major


Kiss me


Hymn for the weekend


hedon lim

hedon lim

hedon lim

there's nothing wrong with enjoying looking at the surface of the ocean itself, except that when you finally see what goes on underwater, you realize that you've been missing the whole point of the ocean. staying on the surface all the time is like going to the circus and staring at the outside of the tent.

— dave barry

Basic Information



  • OC Name: Hedon Lim.
  • Nickname(s): Donnie.
  • Date of Birth: February 9, 1995.
  • Zodiac Signs: Aquarius and Pig.
  • Place of Birth: Athens, Greece.
  • Species: Terran.
  • Occupation: Underwater Performer.
  • Current Residence: Paradisi.
  • Spoken Languages: Korean, English, Greek and Mandarin (+ some Japanese).
  • ual Orientation: Questioning.
  • Romantic Orientation: Questioning.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
  • Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good.
  • SNS/Username: bubb1buddy.


  • Faceclaim: Seo Youngho / Johnny.
  • Height: 6'0 (183 cm).
  • Weight: 150 lbs (68 kg).
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Eye Color: R Brown , L Sunlit Surface .
  • Piercings: Earlobes and L Eyebrow.
  • Tattoos: Best friend's name on left shoulder.
  • Scars: Shark bite on left hip / upper thigh, lip scar from faceplanting on the sidewalk as a kid and scar on the side of his right wrist from breaking his arm in a car crash in high school.
  • Clothing Style: Casual (favorite outfit is usually baggy sweatshirt and skinny jeans / shorts).

last updated

20 June 2019 :ㅤ 12:22.

History / about / bio


Fish Boy

  There's always that one weird kid at school, usually obsessed with something like horses or Minecraft. In his own school Hedon was that kid. The one who wouldn't shut up about the ocean, about wanting to go swimming, about sharks and clownfish and coral reefs. All of this would have been bullied out of him by the fourth grade had it not been for his now best friend, someone who's stuck with Hedon through thick and thin, and scared off his bullies until the boy shot up like a sprout.

  While he had a lack-luster school life the boy's life at home was anything but. He had a pair of loving parents who showered him in affection - a father who managed a seafood restaurant near the shore, and a mother with a baking business at home. Every Saturday they would take time off to bring Hedon - who they affectionately called Donnie - to the beach so he could swim and have fun in the water. Even after the incident in which he was bitten by a shark the water was still Donnie's favorite place to be, and if he couldn't make it to the ocean then he was at the local pool, or making laps in the small inflatable one in his backyard.

  It was around halfway through high school that the tides began to turn for Donnie. He went from the lanky and awkward "fish boy" to, well, still the "fish boy" but tall in a handsome way with a pretty face and a haircut that actually looked good on him. During this time he also got a job at the aquarium on Paradisi, and he started taking the morning boat to get to work on the weekends. He initially started out as a tour guide (his extensive knowledge of the ocean being useful for once), but in his first year of college he signed up to become an underwater performer for their new lunch and dinner time shows. He fell in love with it.

  Not only did he get to do what he loved most as a job, but he made plenty of new friends. Bubbie the beluga whale, Stinger the clownfish, Julien the jelly fish — you get the picture.

  For a long time the only thing that brought Donnie joy was working at the aquarium. He lived on his own in Paradisi, was taking classes that he didn't even like at uni and his self-esteem was at an all-time low (especially after the ity Debacle). It was then that he made the choice to drop out of school and work full-time as a performer, using his new free time to pursue, well, the things that made him happy. A couple years later and Donnie can say he's safely made it to a point in his life that, while not perfect, is probably the best so far.

the heart of man is
very much like the sea,

it has its storms, it
has its tides

and in its depths, it
has its pearls too.

- v.v.g

There are a lot of little quirks and things that make up Donnie as a whole. Here are just a few.

  • Shark Attack: Swimming as usual around the tender age of 10-11 Donnie didn't realize that he shared the water with a shark. He disturbed it by accident, and ended up with the shark's teeth buried in his left side (mostly over the hip and partially on his torso). He certainly would have been a goner, if he'd not been helped by a Thalassan who was also in the water at the time and managed to shoo the shark away. Donnie was later rescued by an ambulence crew and rushed to the hospital, and now sports a large jaw-shaped scar where he was bitten.
  • The ity Debacle: As embarrassing as it is for him to think about such a thing, Donnie can say he's gotten over it (mostly). Around the age of 19-20 when he was in college a girl he went to high school with befriended him for about a month or two. One night when they were both at the same party she approached him, and long story short, they slept together - only for Donnie to find out the next day that she "just wanted to see what fish boy was like in bed since he got hot." Yeah, definitely not the best way to lose your ity (especially when the girl cuts off all contact afterwords).
  • Questioning: Obviously, with very few friends Donnie never even bothered considering any kind of relationship beyond platonic. It was only a few years ago, after a failed attempt at an online, long-distance relationship that he really thought about it, and now finds himself stuck because...well...sometimes he thinks the boy that works the ice cream stand in the aquarium is cute, or that the guy who works at the convenience store just across the street is kind of handsome.
  • Heterochromia Iridum: While many people may mistake Donnie for a halfling because of his eyes he is a full Terran. The reason he has one blue eye is because an ancient ancestor of his was a Thalassan. Donnie doesn't feel any kind of pull to the ocean other than his love of swimming and sea life, therefore he is Terran.
  • Underwater Performance: Think of his job like this - a circus, underwater. There's a large tank in one section of the aquarium that features a variety of fish and other animals, and during lunch and dinner Donnie's job is to perform in said tank along with some of the animals. They do various things such as tricks and displays, while he acts out the part of a merman who's friends with them. The only thing that is when he doesn't get all the glitter off and it sticks to his pillows at home.

last updated

20 June 2019 :ㅤ 14:02.




The first thing everyone tends to notice about Donnie is his sunny disposition. He pretty much always looks on the bright side (courtesy of his loving parents), and tends to be the mood-maker of any group. Whenever someone is feeling down or sad he does his best to help, although he doesn't consider himself very good at comforting (mostly because he tends to trip over his words). However, while he helps others in their time of need, when it comes to himself he has a bad habit of locking away any negative feelings and dealing with them on his own. Donnie doesn't like "becoming a burden" to others so the only people who ever really see him sad are his best friend and his family, and even then that's rare. The young man likes to crack jokes a lot, even if they fall short. He's easily excitable, and well-versed in sarcasm. Nothing really scares him except for heights, but he'll never admit it。


Swimming, the ocean, pools, sea life, the local aquarium, comfort food, any fruits, Studio Ghibli films, soft thing (especially blankets), the beach, naps in the afternoon, snowcones。


Seeing animals in pain, any movies where the dog dies, most vegetables, rude people, black coffee, cloudy days, strong wind, bullies。


Swimming, singing, going to the beach, watching movies。


Heights, being alone (not physically, but having no one there to be with him or care for him)。


Talks to animals like they know what he's saying, skinny-dips quite often for the "freedom" of it, good at make-up because of his job, treats pinkie promises very seriously, hates being barefoot in dirt but is fine on sand。

bad habits

Humming, sleeping in, biting his lip, always buying a pack of M&M's at the convenience store。

wants & desires

Friends, being able to swim forever, a pet whale, figuring out his uality。

last updated

20  June 2019 :ㅤ 11:06.

The Fire In Their Soul



Dear Dear Deer (Fob Cover)




You ever get those moments where you sit and wonder if you'll ever know what love feels like? That true love you hear about in books and stuff, the kind they say makes you feel whole.

I wonder...

Current Status


Dating / Engaged / Married / Struggling



Dating as of 00 Month 2019.


Engaged as of 00 Month 2019.


Married as of 00 Month 2019.


⚘ : levi c 。 2 minutes ago Reply
⚘ : enzhe l 。8:59:16 PMReply
donnie: leading force of the rp's softness

⚘ : ezre l 。 5 minutes ago Reply
⚘ : enzhe l 。12:29:55 AMReply
how do you be mean to donnie though like it's just not possible

♆ : hazel c 。 3 seconds ago Reply
don is wildtt