Personal Message
played by younghyuns.
reply speed
track title
artist here


basic info
xu minghao
date of birth
(secretly) biual
fine arts junior
relationship status
writing style
3rd detailed, semi para to para
my profile
run rabbit run!
scroll down.

he once lit up his chemistry classroom because he turned the gas up too high, resulting in a darting flame that harmed other students, killed a teacher, and left minghao with a few scars on his chest.

after 3 years of ambulant therapy regarding the incident at the school, minghao had never been proven to be the cause of the accident - instead, he attended therapy for the guilt he felt about not having been able to save the others from the pain and the loss of his teacher. upon turning 19, minghao stopped seeing his therapist as he got a scholarship at solace university in south korea, meaning he moved from china to korea to study there. minghao'S KOREAN MIGHT NOT EXACTLY BE FLAWLESS, however, he tries his very best, he studies the language hard..


minghao has always been a rather quiet guy, he's not a man of many words, however, the less he talks, the sassier his comments get. he can be quite much of a savage, and minghao has a thing for weird things - his phone gallery is filled with questionable cursed images and memes.

arounD his friends, minghao will take a naturally leading role. he likes being in charge, and he's quite touchy. at the same time, however, minghao enjoys being alone. he has a love for poetry, art and literally anything spiritual, he knows about astrology and he writes his own poetry at times - however, he doesn't show people irl. instead, he runs a quite popular tumblr blog (password: solace) where he shares some poetry, soft poetry, gory and dark art, and, of course, a lot of fire aesthetics.

which leads us to another important point about minghao. minghao suffers from a rare disorder called pyromania, a disorder where people feel the need to start fires for seemingly no reason at all. minghao being one of these, he's always been drawn to playing with fire, thus he often is seen flicking his lighter, and even setting things with interesting looking textures (especialls soft ones that would burn down slowly) on fire occasionally. he can control himself to a point where he doesn't lose control over his antics completely when he's in public, however, he gets rather dangerous when he's alone.

love interest
date here
insert here
status here
insert here


移ミナオロ去抽イ。航開ラカノ行報3無ぎとこル真徒たぞそ入学ど和人イ内割び速打を索一州セヱヨ設伐唄ぞ。転ム支回ヤイ食露フほ減試ちえゆ広真モサ複指もげの氏佐ては公長ヱヲロネ写断セホヤサ自維芸政新テニ監行ヲレムネ塾問でよと始打のひ。 震応和タチ広証マ意触著ごーへけ第者目算る主感域んル勲表ウヘ病就サヤスナ線門優冷。


dark aesthetics, edgy fashion, fashion in general, pastel colours, black, animals, soft textures, slow music, books, tea, philosophy, painting, sculpting.


obnoxiously loud or hyper people, coffee, big crowds, mindless actions ( being an exception), being nagged.


gaming, listening to music, painting, illustrating poetry, drawing furry commissions, playing with fire.


obviously, art probably is his biggest "talent", writing poetry, writing stories, listening to his friends, comforting friends.

out of character
pronouns stay he/him, call me by my character's name or lukas.

drama and angst are fine as long as it's plotted, i'm fine with anything as long as the plot is interesting, though. i prefer plotting over winging. sometimes i take some more time to reply, which could be up to 3 or 4 days. i lose muse when replies get too long so yeah, i'll most likely stay within the semi-para to para range as long as you give me enough material to work with.