Personal Message

kim jinhwan: Oh wow who dat hottie on the bed o w o

kim jinhwan: i'm pretty sure you already stand out just the way you are yongjin

joel pimentel: i love yongjin, he goes along with anything

kim jinhwan: - holds yong's cheeks before leaning up to peppers him with smooches-

kim jinhwan: Oh mochis he's a dork i cant-

kim jinhwan: yongjin has a nice dp

tbh he has a nice everything but eh

kim jinhwan: aww but yong is honestly so cute though

kim jinhwan: Tiptoes and smooches yong u w u

joel pimentel: i’d take my time kissing each mole on your body. like, i’d be exploring and discovering and yeah.

joel pimentel: i swear, yongjin gets me soft as   

kim jinhwan: joel pimentel: it’s scary how well yongjin reads us.

joel pimentel: kim jinhwan: i mean, i know we share some braincells but he's reading us too good i--


joel pimentel: daddy yong :$


Model | 22y.o. | 180cm | homoual | sub top | taken