Personal Message
Those with the power of unicorn physiology are frequently found in the medical industry, their healing tears seen as a miracle even by the most powerful of beings. seojeong's mother was a new graduate of nursing school when she was given the opportunity to heal the famous winged racer, appropriately named dash. dash was not a superhero but more of a sports star in a rising trend of winged races. his beautiful angel wings lead him to the top of the game in no time until he was a household name. of course with fame comes confidence, and with confidence comes recklessness. after a bit too much to drink and making a dumb bet with some friends, he had tried to race down the street and gotten hit by a car. anticlimatic much.
he was thankful to be able to be healed as well as he was, and especially by such a beautiful unicorn. she made him star struck. it was love at first sight, he still says. he realized that while the winged racing life was extravagant and exciting, what he really wanted was to live with someone he loved. Thankfully, she felt the same.
The two settled down and had seven, count them, seven kids. seojeong was the oldest. She along with all of her siblings attributed both of their parent's attributes due to their simplistic genetic code. being the oldest daughter of such a beautifully happy couple gave seojeong a very bright and caring disposition. she is a caretaker and loves to make others smile.
Though neither of her parents are superheroes, seojeong decided she wanted to be one after getting extremely into comic books when she was in middle school. she wants to be just like superman and protect those she loves no matter the cost!
Healing Tears
-The user has tears that can heal any wound it touches. They can heal any living being including humans, animals, plants, etc. If the healing properties in the tears are potent enough, the user can cure poison.
Horn Protrusion
- The user either has or can generate horns on their head or body, which can be used offensively.
Wing Manifestation
- The power to develop or have wings
High Speed Flight
- The power to fly at great speeds
limited telekinesis
- The power to manipulate objects and matter with ones mind (horn has limited ability to lift, hold, and move light objects)
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hero outfit + weapon
wings + horn
( wings can be summoned at will, ignore the head dress around the horn smh )