Personal Message
Lee Hoseok
❝ We must learn to live together as brothers, or perish together as fools. ❞
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   NP : And July by Heize ft DEAN
Hoseok born as the eldest legitimate son in a royal family, engaged at the age of 9 as many young royal children were now takes claim to the throne as his fathers death left him with the title of the King. As a young child, knowing that he would once rule the country as his own had went through various training sessions to be a king while his brothers and sisters had much more of a free will than him. 
Waiting to marry his fiance, hoseok took the crown with dignity as he immediately had to start ruling. There was no time to dwidle around. 
Hoseok is a strong-willed king who normally keeps his thoughts to himself, he is kind hearted to those that he cares about. As almost every person in his time he has his sins, and he is not perfect, although he tries to keep everything hidden. 
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sapien massa, lobortis a dolor ac, cursus mattis eros.
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam sagittis libero in dui cursus volutpat. Praesent a auctor orci, a lacinia nulla. Aliquam ultricies lectus quis nibh porta vestibulum.
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna.
Not Taken. I need my queen. 
Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna tempor id. Suspendisse eget leo erat. Sed sem eros, tempus et lectus nec, luctus mollis augue. Donec laoreet accumsan risus, quis ullamcorper sapien fermentum id.
rp tracker + past dps
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Name | Status | Location
out of character
GMT :  -5
Writing Style :  1st & 3rd
Reply Speed : 6 / 10

Disclaimer : I'm a mom
Hello everyone, and thank you for taking time to read my out of character information. First I would like to let everyone know that I am a mom and I work part time, so most of my day is taken up, and I am normally on consistantly at night time, of course I may perk in here and there through out the day when I have a little bit of down time. So please don't expect fast replies from me unless its during my night. 
Secondly lets get to the rping information: if you want to rp then please send plotting info in my room. The king is a very difficult character to plot with just anybody, so (when I choose my second character, I may already have them by the time you read this) you can ask them to rp, if it seems more fitting. I generally perfer to plot loose plots where there isn't too much detail in them, as we can go anywhere but it still has some direction. Not just 'oh we accidentally meet in the courtyard and chat and see where it goes from there' of course, unless your the queen. I
If I lose muse in a plot then I will be sure to let you know and not leave you hanging, as I wish you could do the same for me. I don't mind you poking me to remind me to get to your reply but please don't do it before three days of me not responding. If I know I can't respond for a while, I again, will be sure to let you know. 
Anyway, that's all for now, I'm really an easy going person, so if you just want to chat ooc as well, then you can send me a pm! I don't mind friends. 
You can call me lemon.