Personal Message
AT&T 100% 🔋 21:42
first name, last initial.
50,000 bux / 2,500 sp
facility id
current age
patient status
room number
facility occupation
scroll →
AT&T 100% 🔋 21:42
faction information
Faction Nickname
Faction Position
Faction Occupation/Fireteam Role
Faction Tag
Faction Fireteam
patient information
Time As Patient
Patient Graduation Status
Patient General Health Status
Time In Quarantine
Current Roommates
Patient's Current Levels
Overall Mental Stability 91%
Physical Health & Dexterity 91%
Compliance 91%
Friendliness 91%
Aggression 91%
regis academy.
— a roleplay brought to you by pixels.
Text of sorts goes here. I don't know what I'm gonna do with this section yet, so I don't know what all I can say here yet. This section scrolls if you need it to though. Type as much or as little as you want.
Here's another paragaph if you need it.
Link Here
Text of sorts goes here. I don't know what I'm gonna do with this section yet, so I don't know what all I can say here yet. This section scrolls if you need it to though. Type as much or as little as you want.
Here's another paragaph if you need it.
Link Here
Text of sorts goes here. I don't know what I'm gonna do with this section yet, so I don't know what all I can say here yet. This section scrolls if you need it to though. Type as much or as little as you want.
Here's another paragaph if you need it.
Link Here
Who we are
Paragraph for the description goes here. Can be as long or short as you want it to be since this section scrolls. If you need another paragraph just hit enter. I'll provide one for you probably. I don't know though because I'm tired and it's past my bed time. We shall see what I really do.
Wait, I kinda need another paragraph so I can better test this out nfjnsjfngj so much for maybe. Now I'll have two paragraphs.
Actually, screw it. I'll go ahead and add another paragraph because I need to see this actually scroll. For now, I think I'll add like one or two more paragraphs after this one. I really need to go to sleep, but the coder muse struck, so making use of it while I have it.
Currently listening to XS by Rina Sawayama because that's probably the only song I really like by her. It's a banger and motivating me a little bit. I wish my coding program thingy (dreamweaver) would stop being so laggy so I can type in peace and not have to wait every thirty seconds or so for it to load. That's been really annoying to deal with, man. How much longer until this starts scrolling, damn? How big did I make this box? Maybe I'll shrink it down a little bit later. We'll stick with the height it's set at until I can figure out how the other side of this section is going to look. I believe this is the last line before it starts scrolling, but we'll have to see. Okay. Filler text, woohoo! Let's go! Haha, nevermind. I was off by like one line lmao. Sometimes I can't count.
We will not accept accounts that are less than 6 months old. If your profile is private, we will ask you to unprivate so we can see your join date. If you are on a new account, tell us your old username, but if you're trying to pull some sneaky , just leave.
We reserve the right to not accept any applications we feel do not meet the standard.
We also reserve the right to remove you from the roleplay for breaking the rules or if we receive a number of complaints about you. We have in place a three-strike system and you will be given a 2 hour notice before you are officially removed unless we deem it necessary to remove you effective immediately.
Do not join this roleplay if you're going to play games and try to leave then come back shortly after. After being reaccepted once, we will not welcome you back for a week if you leave again.
If you can't respect the admins, you will not be respected and removed effective immediately.
Favorite the roleplay, upvote if you really like us, and learn about what you're getting into BEFORE you join the roleplay.
Check the masterlist BEFORE you reserve a character, then use the comment format (to the right). Reservations last 24 hours before your desired FC is up for grabs again. For now, you are allowed one character. You will be able to unlock more further down the road.
If you wish to leave the roleplay, PM admin Aloe. Failure to do so will result in you being banned/blacklisted from the roleplay.
Out of character drama will not be tolerated. Leave your OOC elsewhere and/or handle that in private. Password is your favorite musical artist at the moment. Any issues, please report them to an admin or go to your personal PMs instead of publicly discussing them. You will be warned once and/or kicked if found causing drama. Please just be on your best behaviour.
Make sure you are keeping any and all ual conversations and sensitive topics, threads, and images to your own personal walls and PMs. We do not want or need that in any of our chats and rooms that are not rated for that reason.
Keep IC and OOC separate. If you wanna break character, do so strictly in the OOC room or on walls/in PMs. Do not roleplay in the OOC room either.
We aim to be a semi-literate to literate roleplay. There should be no text talk or emojis and the like save for in the OOC chat and wherever else appropriate.
We will allow in character drama and such. Just be sure you a) make sure to include trigger warnings for things when appropriate, b) have your partner's consent, and c) keep that out of public spheres. We ask that you add trigger warnings for things like public violence and sensitive discussions, but any heavier things need to be on your walls/in your PMs.
Characters in this roleplay are to be given new names and only addressed by these names when speaking IC unless their IRL name is apart of your character’s history. This RP is an OC (Original Character) RP, so that basically means you can keep their appearance, but everything else is pretty much free game.
We will accept any faceclaim from anywhere of any orientation so long as: a) they are alive in real life, b) they are 19 or older IRL, c) they are not married, and d) they are not an ulzzang, an ig model, a cosplayer, or a youtuber/influencer. If your faceclaim has been involved in a crime (ie: Seungri, Jung Joonyoung, etc) or stated they do not want to be roleplayed (ie: Christian Yu, IU, f(x) Luna), they will also not be accepted.
You may CC all you want, but you have to reapply and may only do so once every two weeks. Know that it will cost you 100 points each time you decide to CC. Also know that the first one is free.
If you wish to acquire additional characters, you will have to have been in the roleplay for one month, have at least 4 threads, have 100 points for every character you get, and have to have permission from admin _____.
Inactivity starts after 8 days of not posting. That means you have 1 week, and a 1 day grace period to get active. If you happen to go inactive, you will be kicked without warning and not allowed back in for another 3 days. We will also remove you if we see you are posting just to keep the inactive sign from appearing. Click here to go on hiatus.
You will have 72 hours (3 days) to respond to the intro prompt in the introductions room before we kick you out. Do not join if you’re going to hog faceclaims.
Activity checks will be done every month from the 12th to the 15th to ensure our community is still active.
There is a two week, 4 thread, and 100 point dating ban. Move-in couples, marriage, and pregnancy are all not allowed at the moment.
Our Staff.
admin name
❝ Head Admin.
❝ GMT-7 • Active.
❝ No Other Character
admin name
❝ Co-Admin.
❝ GMT+8 • Hiatus.
❝ No Other Character
admin name
❝ Co-Admin.
❝ GMT-5 • Semi-Hiatus.
❝ No Other Character
admin name
❝ Co-Admin.
❝ GMT+2 • Hiatus.
❝ No Other Character
admin name
❝ Co-Admin.
❝ GMT-10 • Active.
❝ No Other Character
admin reserved00 taken
- Ten (OC Name)
- Jiaqi (OC Name)
- Name (OC Name)
how to comment
Please read through all of the rules and read the info tab to learn more about the roles. After that, make sure you've favorited the rp, then use the following format to apply. Those who do not will be ignored.
If you want help with muse ideas and job ideas, check out the appropriate links above for those. Please fill out the following in its entirety when attempting to make a reservation.
- Faceclaim
- OC Name (pick an adjective)
- Role
- Occupation (check our list)
- Password
- Are you claiming a muse idea?
- Do you have any questions?
Remember, if you neglect to use the format above, you will be ignored and we will not add your desired muse. Reservations last 24 hours before they expire.
how to apply
How to do this section is pending. I'll figure it out later on ig because I don't even have an app right now.
- This is a bullet list.
- A y bullet list.
Extra paragraph.