Personal Message

SCENT: honeysuckle ("Honeysuckle is a pungent, almost thick sort of scent, but it's fruity and warm with hints of honey and ripe citrus")

LIKES Working out, pastel colors, food, volunteering (particularly for organizations benefiting struggling kids), festivals, romance movies, friendly competition.

DISLIKES Pretentious people, being stereotyped based on his appearance, horror movies.

HOBBIES Working out, hiking, eating at hole in the wall restaurants.

FEARS Heights, the ocean, fish.

PERSONALITY: Hoseok is a lovable dope. He bases his own self worth off of what people think of him and will often put himself last. Especially since he had his children and they are his top priority. He wants everyone to be happy and will sometimes make sacrifices for that, but that's what makes him feel good. When everyone else is happy, he is, too. Or at least he likes to tell himself that for reassurance.

WOLF FORM: here and here


The pups

Mari (alpha)


Kwangho (omega)




Edit Profile

Lee Hoseok
twenty six, fertile beta (former alpha), is soft as , big ol' manchild, utterly smitten with Jimin, proud father of two pups, switch, honeysuckle scent, works in a pre-school/daycare center!