Personal Message
park chaewon
position: intern
Department: none
DOB: 11/19/2000
Image result for never give up scan codeImage result for never give up scan code

[ profile underco ]

chaewon is very stoic. everyday of her life, she's always got this plain and blank expression on her face. no matter how many times a person belittles her, tries to scare her, etc., she gives no reaction at all. either she saw it coming or is just use to it. once on a blue moon would one rarely see her smile. but besides her being apathetic, she's understanding and empathetic. chaewon doesn't judge a person unless done wronged.

chaewon's best qualities is being work-oriented, artistic, and is able to take criticism.
worst qualities is she's a perfectionist, doesn't like to have to speak, only when she wants to (which is highly unlikely), and is chaotically disorganized.

she grew up and lived an average life, besides her parent's divorce when chaewon was still just a kid. most would be affected by their parent's seperation, but the only thing that kept chaewon going and staying sane was webtoons and mangas. she loved reading them and grew to enjoy it's art. being exposed to web comics and mangas, she started drawing and illustrating her own stories. as she grew up, chaewon wants to become an illustrator, to draw and make scenes for stories. being able to work for this company would be a great start and path to the career she always dreamed of.