Personal Message

ic information:

5. having just attained his dentistry license, jaehyun steps into the adult world of making his own money and being his own person, finally. having moved out of the home, jaehyun begins to explore life in the next crucial stage of adulthood. having attained his license doesn't mean that he is a fully fledged dentist just yet. instead, he was stuck in this limbo of unemployment where he had all the qualifications and none of the experience. 

forensic dentistry was starting to look like a mistake when finally, he found himself able to work for a small dinky county police department in the city. life is bustling, busy, and full of unseen atrocities. he’s made it his life mission to make uninhibited vampires pay for what they’ve done to the families they’ve ruined.  



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jung jaehyun.

jung jaehyun.

quick facts

24 / 1995.02.14




junior forensic dentist

human / beauty

jung jaehyun.

hey sis. it's your favorite dweeb - i'm coming home, please leave the door unlocked. wanted to surprise mom and dad.

sis? are you home? ... oh my god, no.


"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec eu meliore luptatum antiopam, ut sed case vitae, id sonet tacimates ius. Eum ad epicuri facilisis, duo malis noluisse imperdiet at, corpora omnesque nam te. At usu decore similique, cu sed dicat doctus prompta. No eos quot populo. Eius scripta petentium nam ea, pri at elitr delicata. Iuvaret definitiones ad , et posse ceteros disputationi mei.
No sumo nihil audiam eam, pri id quod gubergren, aperiam facilisis vim te. Usu veri simul abhorreant ad, in option dissentiunt sit, quod cetero iriure usu ut. Ex has velit ponderum, eum ad volutpat laboramus. Mea veri cotidieque concludaturque an, mei ridens perfecto electram ne. Omnes complectitur ius an, ex eirmod saperet percipitur vix. In tibique lobortis quaerendum has.

his siister
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec eu meliore luptatum antiopam, ut sed case vitae, id sonet tacimates ius. Eum ad epicuri facilisis, duo malis noluisse imperdiet at, corpora omnesque nam te. At usu decore similique, cu sed dicat doctus prompta. No eos quot populo. Eius scripta petentium nam ea, pri at elitr delicata. Iuvaret definitiones ad , et posse ceteros disputationi mei.
No sumo nihil audiam eam, pri id quod gubergren, aperiam facilisis vim te. Usu veri simul abhorreant ad, in option dissentiunt sit, quod cetero iriure usu ut. Ex has velit ponderum, eum ad volutpat laboramus. Mea veri cotidieque concludaturque an, mei ridens perfecto electram ne. Omnes complectitur ius an, ex eirmod saperet percipitur vix. In tibique lobortis quaerendum has.

these are the traits that keep jaehyun alive and thriving. a lot of them do translate directly to his work as a dentist and as a member of the police force, but they translate equally well to his personal life.
physically fit — fitness is typically favored in the police force, and it's been a personal goal of jaehyun's. he has heard the stories of investigations gone wrong, even if he isn't always out on the field and would like to be ready for worst case scenario. he goes to crossfit monthly as a personal challenge.
perfectionism — he doesn’t obsess over details because it’s “the right thing to do”, it’s because he wants to be the best at what he’s interested in. he wants to master hobbies and his work to the best of his possible abilities, as a challenge to see what his limits are (and to continue pushing those limits).
cynical — he knows what’s good for him and what’s not. jaehyun is quick to draw boundaries when he feels is necessary, so he doesn't typically strike people as a good samaritan.
trustworthy — secrets are well kept with jaehyun. he’ll take them to the grave, he takes pleasure in knowing the secret more than he does in spilling them. sometimes, it comes in handy because he has secrets too.
loyal — his moral compass might seem askew, but jaehyun will fight for you once you’ve proven you’ve got his back.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec eu meliore luptatum antiopam, ut sed case vitae, id sonet tacimates ius. Eum ad epicuri facilisis, duo malis noluisse imperdiet at, corpora omnesque nam te. At usu decore similique, cu sed dicat doctus prompta. No eos quot populo. Eius scripta petentium nam ea, pri at elitr delicata. Iuvaret definitiones ad , et posse ceteros disputationi mei.
sudden disinterest — jaehyun chases things that interest him, and if they come too easily, he loses interest. but losing interest means he will stop chasing it entirely. no effort will be afforded to something he's disinterested in: be it people, passion projects, or work. it's radical, but it's clear what he is interested and not interested in.
apathy — this is a trait heralded as professional in the police task force, but—in truth—it feels terrible to not feel anything at all, or so he thinks it feels that way. maybe it's all bull in the end, and nothing does really matter.
morbidly curious — in dangerous situations especially, his curiosity will always win out against initial fear or caution. jaehyun is always taking a gamble with death.
his sister — he doesn’t talk about his sister but if anyone knew or found out, they would know his kryptonite.
vamp-phobic — basically racist against vampires for very personal reasons. don’t ask him about his elder sister.
vampire-blind — he's unable to tell apart humans from vampires. sometimes he too gets mistaken for a vampire by other humans. it's really funny how dumb humans are and how bad their guesses can be.

lover's name


message to lover. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec eu meliore luptatum antiopam, ut sed case vitae, id sonet tacimates ius. Eum ad epicuri facilisis, duo malis noluisse imperdiet at, corpora omnesque nam te. At usu decore similique, cu sed dicat doctus prompta. No eos quot populo. Eius scripta petentium nam ea, pri at elitr delicata. Iuvaret definitiones ad , et posse ceteros disputationi mei.

about ooc
Hi, my name is Amir and I'm an old timer around RPR — been here since 2013. I’m 23 years old and working full time! I'm in THE EASTERN STANDARD TIMEZONE, but I reply at weird enough hours that my timezone is usually irrelevant. Here's some simple rules I'd like to have followed.
OO1 — Please respect the separation between OOC and IC! If I plot, that doesn't mean I am claimed and I will treat OOC rooms as OOC rooms. They do not hold any relation with my character until I make those things relevant to jaehyun.
oo2 — I roleplay in full sentences, but I'm open to receiving replies in whatever length and pov you would like. The longer the reply, the longer the wait it will take to get replies.
oo3 — Sometimes my muse is finnicky, and it takes time for me to reply, but I am good about telling my roleplay partners of issues with muse OR if I am busy. Please do not poke me: I lose muse when poked. Understand that I am in other roleplays, have other replies, and appreciate having that time to get back to you! Trust that I can communicate that when I'm free.
oo4 — I will turn down an offer to roleplay if I am uncomfortable, please do not take it the wrong way. It's most definitely NOT personal.
oo5 — Any questions or issues? Feel free to PM me and we can talk! Thank you. :)
i can't wait to meet you all and roleplay some kick plots!!!