Width must be 410 and height must be at least 550 or higher.
Width must be 65 and height must be at least 160 or above.




twenty one years old




healer of water pack



Lee Minho's family was one of the go-to healers under the water pack. All the members of the pack, and of the other packs, knew of the Lee's and their brilliant work of healing. When the announcement came of the birth of their first child, the pack was thrilled. The image of the perfect healer family the pack needed was coming together. Then, after Minho turned 3, his mother passed away. His mother was the more knowledgable of his parents, most of his father's knowledge coming from her teachings. Despite this setback, Minho's father taught the younger all he knew and all he was still learning.

Minho had his first true healing moment at the age of 14. Every other time he helped heal one of the members of the pack, he did simple tasks for his father, or his father simply guided him. But this time, his father only watched and never guided. This brought Minho to be nervous and scared of don't something wrong. Because of this nervousness, that is exactly what happened. He remembers vividly stitching incorrectly, he remembers the pain in the pack member's face, he remembers his father's disappointed gaze. After that mistake, he's been insecure of his work. He hasn't made a big mistake since that moment, only making mistakes on things he never learned about, but he's always scared he'd mess up again.

Ever since the wipeout of the space pack, he's been doing research about each pack and how they attack. He believes with this knowledge he can better heal members of his pack, and even in other packs if they ever make amends. Everyday, Minho is doing more research to further his knowledge, using his mother's books as guides. He hopes his knowledge will reach his mother's height, or even overpass it.


Minho is quite the shy type, saying just the right things could make him blush or nervous. Although he studies often about his methods, he is very insecure about healing his fellow pack members. But don't let this insecurity fool you, he is talented and knowledgeable about his healing. He likes to stay within calming places such as beaches, rivers, things of that nature. As an only child, he's always been one to tend to stick on his own, but he does enjoy having company, even if it's just a quiet presence with him. He's very keen on relationships despite his likeness of being on his own. He likes to be around someone who cares for him.





001. Researching

002. Walking along a beach or river

003. Healing pack members

004. Getting praised by his work



001. His insecurities

002. Stitching

003. Being in a crowd

004. Making a mistake



Status: Single

Taken By: Name

Date: 00/00/00

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla. Aenean dictum lacinia tortor. Nunc iaculis, nibh non iaculis aliquam, orci felis euismod neque, sed ornare massa mauris sed velit. Nulla pretium mi et risus. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim. Sed tortor. Curabitur molestie. Duis velit augue, condimentum at, ultrices a, luctus ut, orci.





Plot 01: Healing
Genre: Any
Characters needed: 1
status: always open

Minho, as a Lee, is a go to for healing. He is the first healer to be on guard and ready to use his talents and knowledge.

Plot 02:  Shamed Healing
genre: Any
characters needed: 1
status: open

Minho never thought the day would come that a member of another pack would be at his doorstep. Nonetheless, he takes care of them in the safety of his home.

Plot 03:  River Speaks
genre: Angst/Fluff
characters needed: 1
status: open

Minho likes to speak his mind by the riverside. He didn't expect for someone to answer him.

Plot 04:  Wrong Turn
genre: Angst/Fluff
characters needed: 1+
status: open

When Minho took a different path home, he didn't expect to come face to face with another pack.





01. My timezone is gmt-5/6 depending on daylight savings.

02. Please don't refer to me as my character name when talking ooc.

03. Use brackets when talking ooc unless in the ooc room.

04. I use 3rd pov, semi-para and mirror. I rp a lot better if I don't start but I'm willing to start if requested.

05. Poke me after 2 days if I do not respond. My replies are usually pretty fast but things do come up on the occasion.

06. Don't hesitate to ask me anything or talk to me about anything. I'm always open