Personal Message
fujii marie。
is it still me who makes you sweat?
is it still me who makes you sweat?
fujii marie。
is it still me who makes you sweat?
is it still me who makes you sweat?
song title — song artist
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song artist
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song artist
song artist
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song artist
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song artist
Exotic dancer
The fujii family is known for their beautiful art museum exhibiting fine art from around the world. it was passed down from marie's great grandfather all the way down to her father, growing throughout the years at an alarming pace. her mother was an artist who looked up to the pieces exhibited for her own art work; it was no surprise that it became such a family staple. The five children born to the couple were each named after different famous artists throughout history: leo, rembrandt, utamaro, frida, and, the youngest, marie. named after the iconic marie tussaud, the woman who founded madame tussaud's wax museum, marie was given high expectations in the artistic field. each of her siblings seemed to follow their namesakes, adopting art as both a hobby and a lifestyle, but not marie. she was the black sheep of the family.
Her troublemaking tendencies came up at a young age. she was suspended from her private school by the age of nine for repeatedly insulting her teachers and other students, all escalating to her chopping another girl's hair off during recess. her parents tried to pay off all her disturbances at first, something they could afford, but that only worked for a while. by the age of fifteen she was a complete rebel; , drugs, alcohol, you name it. soon they gave up. after one day when she was caught in bed with the a currator of the museum she was sent to korea to live with a family friend: a buddhist monk whos monastery had previously donated art pieces to the museum. they hoped to 'purify' their daughter. to noone's surprise, she ran away.
She stumbled for a bit, finding herself homeless and bouncing from shelter to shelter. she got into uon at only the age of 18; it was enough to get her paid and give her a place to sleep. she honestly enjoyed it, but a lot of the customers were less than her type, so after a few years she was able to find a stable career as a stripper/exotic dancer at a refined club/brothel. it made a good living, she was having a good time and good , and she was content. but the owner had some friends, and they were upset.
During her ion career she had slept with a certain man. he had bought her for three days, but after the first night she knew something was up. he was making her do things that really pushed her boundaries and that's not an easy feat. so she ran away in the dead of night to find another client. this experience had been lost in the back of her mind as well as his, but when that man came to the club and spotted her it all came running back. she was a good – a great one, actually. and he didn't get to execute his plan. thankfully the owner was his friend.
They put something in her drink. she went back to her room after a wild night, refreshing herself on a nice glass of water. and then she was out.
She came to in a whole new place. this house was her 'home' now. part of her loves it, actually. is great! but she's trapped, locked in a metaphorcal (and sometimes literal) cage. thankfully living with parents who hated her every sinful movement made her adept at picking locks, so she frequently escapes her room to at least wander the halls. while she hasn't gotten outside yet, she has plans. one day she'll be free, and the man who put her here will pay.
Her troublemaking tendencies came up at a young age. she was suspended from her private school by the age of nine for repeatedly insulting her teachers and other students, all escalating to her chopping another girl's hair off during recess. her parents tried to pay off all her disturbances at first, something they could afford, but that only worked for a while. by the age of fifteen she was a complete rebel; , drugs, alcohol, you name it. soon they gave up. after one day when she was caught in bed with the a currator of the museum she was sent to korea to live with a family friend: a buddhist monk whos monastery had previously donated art pieces to the museum. they hoped to 'purify' their daughter. to noone's surprise, she ran away.
She stumbled for a bit, finding herself homeless and bouncing from shelter to shelter. she got into uon at only the age of 18; it was enough to get her paid and give her a place to sleep. she honestly enjoyed it, but a lot of the customers were less than her type, so after a few years she was able to find a stable career as a stripper/exotic dancer at a refined club/brothel. it made a good living, she was having a good time and good , and she was content. but the owner had some friends, and they were upset.
During her ion career she had slept with a certain man. he had bought her for three days, but after the first night she knew something was up. he was making her do things that really pushed her boundaries and that's not an easy feat. so she ran away in the dead of night to find another client. this experience had been lost in the back of her mind as well as his, but when that man came to the club and spotted her it all came running back. she was a good – a great one, actually. and he didn't get to execute his plan. thankfully the owner was his friend.
They put something in her drink. she went back to her room after a wild night, refreshing herself on a nice glass of water. and then she was out.
She came to in a whole new place. this house was her 'home' now. part of her loves it, actually. is great! but she's trapped, locked in a metaphorcal (and sometimes literal) cage. thankfully living with parents who hated her every sinful movement made her adept at picking locks, so she frequently escapes her room to at least wander the halls. while she hasn't gotten outside yet, she has plans. one day she'll be free, and the man who put her here will pay.
marie is submissive, but boy is she a brat. her defiant streak is hard to snuff out. she does happen to enjoy the attempt, though.
years of work have left her comfortable with most kinks, but she draws the line at , piss, vomit, and extreme blood/gore.
Outside of , marie enjoys herself a good book. she used to sneak her parents' wine out of the cellar and snuggle up next to the fireplace to read and drink. books remind her of good times and she frequently sneaks out into the library to 'borrow' some books.
국회의 폐회중에도 또한 같다, 언론·출판은 타인의 명예나 권리 또는 공중도덕이나 사회윤리를 침해하여서는 아니된다, 정당은 헌법재판소의 심판에 의하여 해산된다. 모든 국민은 종교의 자유를 가진다.
국회의 의결은 재적의원 3분의 2 이상의 찬성을 얻어야 한다.
대통령의 임기연장 또는 중임변경을 위한 헌법개정은 그 헌법개정 제안 당시의 대통령에 대하여는 효력이 없다. 국가안전보장회의의 조직·직무범위 기타 필요한 사항은 법률로 정한다.
lover's name
법률안에 이의가 있을 때에는 대통령은 제1항의 기간내에 이의서를 붙여 국회로 환부하고. 국가는 사회보장·사회복지의 증진에 노력할 의무를 진다. 고용·임금 및 근로조건에 있어서 부당한 차별을 받지 아니한다. 대법원장은 국회의 동의를 얻어 대통령이 임명한다.00.00.00
국무총리·국무위원 또는 정부위원은 국회나 그 위원회에 출석하여 국정처리상황을 보고하거나 의견을 진술하고 질문에 응답할 수 있다. 군사재판을 관할하기 위하여 특별법원으로서 군사법원을 둘 수 있다, 모든 국민은 신체의 자유를 가진다, 국가안전보장에 관련되는 대외정책·군사정책과 국내정책의 수립에 관하여 국무회의의 심의에 앞서 대통령의 자문에 응하기 위하여 국가안전보장회의를 둔다.
대통령의 선거에 관한 사항은 법률로 정한다.
이 헌법공포 당시의 국회의원의 임기는 제1항에 의한 국회의 최초의 집회일 전일까지로 한다.
국회의 폐회중에도 또한 같다. 그 재의를 요구할 수 있다.
형사피의자 또는 형사피고인으로서 구금되었던 자가 법률이 정하는 불기소처분을 받거나 무죄판결을 받은 때에는 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국가에 정당한 보상을 청구할 수 있다, 사회적 특수계급의 제도는 인정되지 아니하며.
한 회계연도를 넘어 계속하여 지출할 필요가 있을 때에는 정부는 연한을 정하여 계속비로서 국회의 의결을 얻어야 한다.
사형을 선고한 경우에는 그러하지 아니하다.