Kim jisoo
kim jisoo
sunshine daisies
butter mellow; turn this
stupid fat rat yellow.
butter mellow; turn this
stupid fat rat yellow.
Feeling — alive
Music — 'physical' ; by dua lipa
Craving — you
Availability — single
all night i'll riot with you
I know you got my back and
you know I got you
So come on, come on, come on
Let's get physical
I know you got my back and
you know I got you
So come on, come on, come on
Let's get physical
baker's choice
baker's choice
jisoo grew up in a moderately decent household. her parents fought a lot, cried a lot but always managed to keep their relationship above ground. she grew up a moderately decent student, with a moderately decent group of friends and moderately decent personality. she was never very good at anything nor very bad - she was always just another face in the crowd. in a sea of faces you'd only see hers if you squinted. till she hit high school and suddenly she was the popular kid. and from all the eyes she caught, his were her favourite.
they fell in love. or at least, she fell in love. he was her everything. and they continued their relationship up until college. she opened up her cafe, he started working a 9 to 5 job. they began to see less and less of each other. they began to fight. they began to cry. but unlike her parents, he started to pull away. he pulled away further and further. after a long week of work she went to his place, cupcakes in hand since he was always the one she tried her new recipes on and a tired but happy grin on her face, but both her smile and treats dropped when she saw his lips attached to someone else's.
all else she remembers from that night was throwing her bag at his face as she ran away sobbing. she drank her woes away, got into trouble and her cafe began to struggle. she was a mess. he was her first love. he was the person who had introduced her to this world but he spat her out like she was poison. how could she ever love anyone else again, let alone herself? it wasn't till her parents stepped in that she was able to pull herself back together. after a year of sobbing her tears dried up. jisoo absorbed herself in her work, expanding the cafe the best she could. she focused on herself and herself only. she cured herself. and when she finally felt human again she signed up for the whole marriage gig because, in her own words, "why not?"
despite her trauma, jisoo's a fairly uncomplicated being. she's laidback and generally tries to be sweet to the best of her abilities. she doesn't ask for much and honestly prefers hanging out in a simple setting than in one of grandeur. she's skeptical of falling in love ever again and signed up purely to make friends and maybe something more than friends. she's loyal to a fault and attempts to understand everyone's views, she likes being dependable and reliable. the girl just wants to have a good time. she's bad at communicating her problems, and perhaps brushes off more problems than she should - don't expect to her to divulge many of her feelings as she believes that she can just "get over it". also, she's pretty playful.
in terms of what she is like as a partner, she's more of a giver than a taker. she likes having someone as loyal to her as she is to them. she dislikes being unable to talk, about nothing serious, but just in general. if she is to fall in love again, expect a bumpy start. she's not picky about anything really and just wants to feel a connection with someone again.
her clarity
her clarity
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ornare dolor et erat sagittis, sed aliquam ante vestibulum. Proin tincidunt, risus in bibendum lacinia, metus sem iaculis felis, eget tristique odio arcu nec risus. Duis et orci eu turpis auctor pulvinar eu ac dui. Quisque eget rutrum libero. Suspendisse in eros eu dolor commodo posuere. Vestibulum venenatis euismod dui eu lobortis. Proin sodales felis vel commodo aliquam.
Duis maximus ultricies dictum. Nam a erat et ante gravida commodo. Phasellus sed odio diam. Sed neque lacus, porta ut dolor sit amet, blandit pellentesque ex. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus vel molestie diam. Nunc a fermentum magna. Nunc euismod lacus eu gravida eleifend. Nam mollis lectus sit amet fermentum feugiat. Aliquam ultrices ante quis ligula iaculis tincidunt. Integer in mi vel massa egestas tincidunt at non est. Vivamus varius tincidunt hendrerit. Etiam vel lorem at est pulvinar cursus commodo sit amet lorem. Maecenas a enim vitae mauris rhoncus volutpat dictum rhoncus sapien. Phasellus varius enim a orci egestas mattis.
In porttitor sem euismod lorem dignissim efficitur. Maecenas risus neque, ornare vitae imperdiet ac, dignissim in odio. Donec nec arcu finibus, pulvinar est eu, hendrerit turpis. Nulla ultricies facilisis velit, in aliquam tellus tincidunt et. Duis facilisis est accumsan diam congue tincidunt. Pellentesque aliquet, nulla a dapibus accumsan, purus lacus porta dolor, ac egestas odio elit eu ex. Nulla augue sapien, faucibus eget sapien in, mattis euismod felis.
Donec eu dapibus odio, sed aliquet turpis. Proin sit amet diam ipsum. Duis ac tellus eget turpis ornare molestie ut id lacus. Phasellus vel accumsan massa, quis convallis dolor. Etiam nec massa sollicitudin sem ullamcorper lobortis. Morbi ut auctor est. Donec interdum ante eu lobortis sagittis. Ut condimentum, sapien ac efficitur aliquam, nunc ex pretium justo, id condimentum lacus quam in augue. Maecenas mollis pulvinar maximus. Donec aliquam hendrerit nulla, mattis sollicitudin neque. Maecenas gravida eu nisl ac bibendum. Suspendisse non ipsum vel lorem luctus consectetur. Fusce ut volutpat neque. Etiam enim risus, molestie nec nunc in, porta tempus odio. Proin id sagittis dolor, vel tristique purus.
Aenean id hendrerit ex. Quisque tincidunt est et est accumsan vehicula. Nulla posuere eu nulla at luctus. Praesent luctus fringilla turpis, eget accumsan nulla aliquet vitae. Nunc venenatis magna ac rhoncus finibus. Morbi laoreet neque sit amet imperdiet mattis. Donec dignissim at purus nec ullamcorper. Duis vel dui fringilla, ultricies orci tincidunt, efficitur ligula. Ut iaculis diam quis sem rhoncus porttitor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum rhoncus varius odio, auctor convallis tellus maximus ut.
Amazing People
Amazing People
Plot tracker
Plot tracker
pms // replied // christian
coffee shop // replied // nana
sm ent // replied // boa
cafe // replied // hoseok
walls // replied // changwook
bar // replied // daesu
pms // plotting // soojin
Out of Character
Out of Character
ok so there isn't a whole lot to know about me. but i'm always down to rp so hit me up if you'd like to. i'm also down to just talk if you'd like to do that instead. i'm a mirror and a gmt+
my favourite genres tend to be fluff and angst.
i also don't really like being poked unless it's been at least a week. i have fluctuating muse so bear with me please.
also please don't make ic matters ooc that's truly just a bit of a move man.