Personal Message
▫ guixian (ic chat)
▫ minho/daehyun/hyunjin/jeongin
▫ jaehyun
▫ seungyoun
▫ ten


minhyuk mode, Lee


four years shy of thirty


edna mode



relationship statUs

what were you saying again?



writing style

mirror, semi-para preferred



edna mode

“I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.”

it had been said that minhyuk was not directly related to the fashion maven & gadgets maker, edna mode, but was her brother's son.

his dad fell victim to an unknown illness not long after his first cry and his mother then died of heartache, leaving him in the care of his aunt, edna who gladly took him under her wing.

with her eccentric ways, minhyuk grew up to be an oddball socially inept, easily distracted, and disorderly, with a growing interest in fashion and gadgets. but, sometimes, you've got to be gifted to be good at somEthing. in his case, not born with the smarts to excel in what his aunt did, minhyuk's subpar designs constantly failed to meet edna's expectations, leaving her extremely unimPressed.


Personality / Quirks

personality junkodd, easily distracted, forgetful,
pensive and detached, disorderly, fairly liberal,
naive, and indecisive.

LikeSsunrises and stargazing,
compliments and validation,
morning walks, evening talks.
what else? find out yourself.

Dislikes/fearsrules and guidelines.
failure, thunderstorms, fire, criticism.

The Quirks 


Out of Character

ONE. final year in university, i'm legal but busy. ed up body clock and a slow brain so replies will come with long waiting time and at odd hours besides my timezone.

TWO. I like a clean wall. rooms preferred for threads and pms for plot discussions and idle chatting. 

THREE. i prefer establishing an emotional bond between our muses before getting into intimate situations. if you're only looking to straight off the bat then, you can turn away now.

FOUR. plotting is preferred over winging. i like having some basics down, nothing too heavy but just enough to get our muses going. otherwise i might end up ing up the entire plot.

FIVE. this shouldn't be so low on the list but english is not my first language. i don't mind grammar nazis as long as i don't feel patronized in the process of having my english corrected. i like to learn.

SIX. note that i don't poke, so i would rather not be poked as well. if i, in any case, lose muse for our plot, i will contact you first. otherwise, my reply/starter is likely on its way.

SEVEN. i also like being informed that our thread is being dropped instead of waiting on a forever so please do not be afraid to let me know. i am understanding in circumstances as such as we all get caught up in real life problems once in a while.


Esse quam videri.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque dignissim pulvinar orci ac ultricies. Praesent eget gravida mauris. Suspendisse non justo lacinia, luctus elit vel, vulputate enim. Morbi semper auctor massa, vitae pulvinar dolor venenatis sed. Curabitur et quam non neque porta placerat. Ut consectetur mauris magna, sit amet dapibus tortor hendrerit eu. Cras in magna sed lacus sagittis molestie non ac ante. Vestibulum nec urna eu diam finibus pellentesque. Maecenas sed pulvinar ipsum. Fusce maximus nisi ex, nec vestibulum tellus suscipit ac. Maecenas a semper nisi, eu ultricies ante. Proin pretium convallis ante ut ullamcorper. Donec sit amet diam non elit consectetur porta. Ut tempor sapien magna, id elementum mi hendrerit eu. Quisque ultricies lobortis condimentum.

Vestis virum reddit.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Nam varius augue vel hendrerit fringilla. Suspendisse sit amet massa vulputate, pulvinar enim in, molestie nunc. Donec viverra auctor egestas. Integer id commodo metus. Nam cursus odio nisi, sit amet fermentum tellus tempor in. Cras consectetur, libero vitae luctus efficitur, mi leo tempor massa, at rutrum lacus nunc non dolor. Duis porttitor est nec velit convallis, quis pulvinar ex bibendum. Nam id diam id felis rutrum imperdiet sed sit amet elit. Sed posuere viverra purus eget lacinia. Ut tempor tellus et faucibus sollicitudin. Mauris in dictum nisi.

Cura te ipsum.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Aliquam vitae arcu sem. Sed pretium mi vitae diam dictum hendrerit sit amet at tortor. Integer aliquam dignissim dui sit amet consequat. Nulla nulla sapien, mollis sit amet erat sit amet, porta volutpat arcu. Nullam lobortis, dolor nec consectetur sollicitudin, sapien ex luctus purus, luctus finibus lacus dolor id augue. Maecenas eget placerat lorem. Curabitur ac nulla aliquam est pharetra tempus. Curabitur magna urna, dignissim sed maximus in, suscipit eget turpis. Donec id elementum sapien.

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