Personal Message
honey, honey. please dont catch no feelings
Naeun grew up in a family of high achievers, her mom and dad both with a post doctorate degree. GROWING UP SHE WAS NEver directly pressured to study hard, but she was put into after school tutoring classes since kindergarden. as a result of that, she was always #1 in her classes. she had a lot of friends at school and maintained her grades and down time easily. everyone including her parents, teachers, peers knew she was definitely seoul national university material and that she was definitely going to go to the prestigious school. naeun did not have those ambitions, she really didn't. but on the day of the university entrance exam, she screwed up and received a score that qualified her for none of the sky schools. rather than her own ambitions, she felt as if she had disappointed her parents, her teachers, her friends. although she only told her parents and only they voiced their disappointment. the crushing reailty of the expectations people had of her as she grew up finally hit her. none of these expectations necessarily forced her to study hard or to be a good person, but the thought of disappointing everyone who had expected something  from her, crushed her. after the result day, naeun cut off all contacts with her high school friends. She spent her whole summer in her own room neither studying nor  having fun - just aimlessly living.。
making it into the medical department was still a great achievement, but it was not seoul national, not korea, not yonsei - so did it really matter? naeun went from being the smartest in her high school classes to one of the poorest grades student in her medical classes. she put bare minimal effort and always handed in assignments late or half-assedly, just enough to pass. she was extroverted, but now she kept to herself, often ignoring the requests of her fellow students to hang out after class. she sits in the library out of habit, but it was no longer to study. she spends most of her time on her phone, taking pictures, and being a hermit in her dorm room. she has grown to hate expectations and puts no effort both in her grades, her looks or in creating friendships. she couldn't face disappointment from other people again. she went from someone who was the baby-like figure in her friend group where she enjoyed the presence of her friends to a reclusive, scared girl who just wants to be alone. but really, she just wants to return to the life she had before. without this overwhelming fear of disappointment.
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lee naeun
may 5, 2000
veterinary studies
ooc notes
replies are either really fast or really slow
3rd/1st pov are fine, not a novella person
open to plot or wing