
king of the knights, heroine of britain

❝ Message。

o mighty trees of avalon, release sap and seeds into hearts and minds, so arthur's dream can reveal echoes of futures past... so camelot's glory is forever ingrained in the rich forests and mountain's mysterious valleys where a once and future king lowered his sword and lay in the arms of his sweet lady of forests and lakes.

helsin pendragon

Basic Information

Full Name

helsin pendragon


prince of britain
prince of the knights
proud prince

Date of birth

may 24th

Current age


year level




Marital Status


Current partner

none at this moment

fairy tale parent

king arthur of great britain,
arthurian legends


ha sooyoung / yves (loona)



ruelle —>— (4:17)

this is where it all begins.
i am the king of the great britain.
i will not fall.

history / about / bio

Paragraph goes here. Type as much as you want and hit enter for a new line.

Sed convallis feugiat tortor, ac pulvinar enim tincidunt vel. Ut viverra ultricies lacinia. Nam sed rutrum tortor, ut molestie risus. Vestibulum egestas tellus ut quam scelerisque, vitae fermentum libero pulvinar. Nam eget tortor vitae ipsum dignissim suscipit. Donec finibus neque mauris, non accumsan ex faucibus sed. Praesent non nulla fermentum, semper enim eu, imperdiet ligula.

Donec auctor facilisis augue at condimentum. Donec vulputate augue tortor, at mollis lectus porttitor non. Nunc id aliquet urna. Curabitur eleifend pulvinar elementum. Phasellus eget dui eget nisl auctor pulvinar semper non nisi. Fusce vulputate laoreet arcu vel egestas. Integer eget enim in sapien sagittis sollicitudin.

Duis varius, ex sit amet imperdiet accumsan, augue quam aliquet nisl, et commodo erat nulla in odio. Curabitur pretium lorem vel nibh porttitor, eu hendrerit arcu tempus. Praesent justo sem, varius cursus nibh non, congue condimentum orci. Quisque non tellus ipsum. Suspendisse ornare bibendum ante, dapibus consequat lectus auctor quis. Phasellus placerat metus vehicula purus porttitor, nec consectetur mauris ultricies. Suspendisse sed erat a nulla auctor auctor sit amet nec libero. Curabitur nibh tellus, faucibus quis consequat eu, fermentum non ex. Mauris porttitor a erat sit amet interdum. Aliquam pharetra est lacus, mattis gravida diam euismod quis. Etiam finibus tincidunt libero rhoncus vehicula. Ut massa nunc, molestie in aliquet vel, congue vitae justo. Cras condimentum porttitor sapien eu sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

personality / quirks


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put a quirk or fun fact here.

Put a quirk or fun fact here.

Put a quirk or fun fact here.

Put a quirk or fun fact here.

Put a quirk or fun fact here.

my beloved


mmm . dd . yyyy


status here


Nulla at nisi in erat dapibus commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse et massa a ipsum varius lacinia a quis sem. Nulla nec ligula at enim viverra ullamcorper. Fusce vel magna sed diam tempor molestie. Integer arcu sem, accumsan nec ante quis, tincidunt dictum dolor. Sed bibendum, tortor at lobortis aliquet, ligula diam aliquam neque, non aliquam arcu est convallis felis. Aliquam iaculis, lectus at tempor facilisis, metus eros bibendum massa, eu dictum augue lectus ut metus. Morbi pharetra lorem quam, sed pulvinar urna aliquam non.