The Prince
Who Was Promised
"Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope." - The Lion King
- House: Targaryen
- House Words: No Blood Undeserving
- Aliases: The Warrior; The Golden Prince; Aleaser Lokison; Aleaser Firebrand; Al; Lady Allie; Big Brother
- Titles: Rightful King of Jotunheim; Crown Prince of Westeros; Prince of Dragonstone; Knight Commander of 1st Company of the Dragon's Own
- Notable Possessions: Sword - Blackflame; Starsteel Armor forged by Vhaegard Targaryen; Dragon - Heti
- Place of Birth: The Red Keep
- Current Residence: The Red Keep
- Occupation: Heir to the Throne
- Powers: Knight Mage; Fire Mage; Jotun heritage. See HERE for details.
- ual Orientation: Panual
- Relationship Status: Married/Mated to Margaery Tyrell. Lovers with Myrcaella Targaryen and Bucky Barnes.
- Margaery Tyrell
- Clan
- The Seven Kingdoms
Aleaser is the firstborn of Loki and Cersei. His Jotun side was locked away when he was a child after an incident in which he murdered Dickon Tarly and hurt himself in the process due to the way his fire gift functions.
Aleaser is unaware of the following secrets: That Cersei killed Elia Martell; That Cerina was never a real person; That Cersei and Jaime committed prior to bonding with Loki; That Jaime was mind controlled for the past 20 years; That Jaime was the one to kill Loki prior to Ve bringing him back.
Go HERE for details of what secrets Aleaser is aware of.