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basic information

updated 00 month 0000


Your Highness, Princess Bomi, Mimi, The Mistake



date of birth

August 13, XXXX





relationship status


spouse / current partner

n/a (this could be you)


she has various ex-engagements, all of which have been rescinded


father, mother, two younger brothers, one younger sister


n/a (this could be you)


n/a (this could be you)

writing style

semi para, para, or script. never novella. quality > quantity

pov preference

3rd > 1st


Never rely on the stats bar for muse/activity because I never change it lol


history / about

updated 00 month 0000

Yoon Bomi, princess by birth and the unfortunate bearer of a dastardly curse, her story is one that starts in a faraway land months before she came into this world, silent as a lamb with a peculiar and concerning deformity.

Bomi was born to the king and queen of Grimor. They knew of dragons but never cared much of their affairs. Her mother was always a superstitious woman, however, who believed anything her trusted spiritualist uttered. When the man suggested partaking in the albumen of a dragon's egg in the early stages of her pregnancy, the queen agreed without batting an eye. If it promised a healthier babe, the woman would do anything. Happy to comply with his wife's wishes, the king sent a band of warriors out to the land of the dragons to retrieve one of the creature's eggs. None of them would have been able to predict the consequences that would arise upon the little girl's birth.

Bomi was finally born in the summer, in the midst of the eighth month, with no obvious defects. She cried, but not much. She had all of her limbs too. The problem, however, lie in one of those limbs. The baby girl's hands were balled up tight, but there was no mistaking the iridescent scales that covered her right ring finger. Horrified by the ghastly defect, the queen spent the majority of her time trying to get rid of the claw while keeping it a secret from everyone else in the castle, even her other children. The queen's attempts were all fruitless though and she even resulted in trying to scrape the scales off, a very bloody and painful ritual that happened at least once a month. When around anyone other than her parents, Bomi was forced to wear gloves no matter what. Bomi continued to suffer her mother's schemes and her father's silence against them until one day in the summer of her 11th year.

She was playing out in the courtyard when a massive dragon appeared, putting the castle in a frenzy. Only, the beast was gone as quickly as he appeared. It wasn't until everyone calmed down that they realized the princess was missing: kidnapped by the dragon whose scales perfectly matched those on her fourth finger. Bomi had initially been very afraid of the beast, but he proved to be nothing to fear Not malevolent in any sense, at least not to her, the dragon raised Bomi for the next year or so. She lived happily and even learned to love the claw she was taught to hate, until the day that disaster struck.

Her father's men had been on the search for her the entire time, new parties being sent out whenever the previous failed. But, one day, they were successful in finding the cave. They murdered the benevolent dragon in revenge for stealing the precious princess and she was taken home. Back at home, Bomi had never felt more trapped. Her mother continued the scale-scraping ritual, harboring a deep bitterness that her husband insisted on bringing back the cursed child, and when it came time, they began putting her out there for engagements.

Only, none of these engagements were successful. Bomi would meet her potential suitors, enjoy hours of conversation with them (most of them, anyway) and the second she let them in on her secret, thinking they were good, nonjudgmental men, they would flee. They were always paid off to stay silent, but this didn't help Bomi's spirit in any sense. Now 22, Bomi is still unwed and still suffering the tortures from her mother who so desperately wants to be rid of the claw. She's frequently referred to as "The Mistake" by her mother and sits in the shadow of her siblings, despite being the oldest.


personality / quirks

updated 00 month 0000

personality junk At her core, Bomi is a very friendly and bright person. She's sociable and loves making new connections, but her secret keeps her from being able to get too close to people. Everyone she meets, she holds at a distance to minimize the risk of them finding out about her hand. This makes her seem very standoffish and, maybe even cold to some people.

Likes the scent of flowers on a summer breeze, birds, stargazing, the permanent sea-salty smell that lingers about her kingdom, and fairy tales

Dislikes her mother, blades of any kind, cold weather, and people that are too nosy

Hobbies reading, tapestry, bird watching, stargazing, and taking walks in gardens and along the beach

Secrets she was born with a finger on her right handcovered in dragon-like scales with a dragon's talon at the nail

Fears someone finding out about her dragon's claw

The Quirks Fun Facts About Them.
— The dragon that kidnapped her was be more than just some dragon that mistook her for kin. He is the father of the egg her mother stole
— All of her failed engagements have left Bomi to believe she'll never find someone to look past her defect
— When she's anxious, she squeezes the cursed hand with the other
— All of her siblings are normal as her mother swore off supernatural help after her "mistake" was born


my beloved

updated 00 month 0000


over name.

date: here.

status: here.

Vestibulum dictum leo massa, eget dictum mauris porta id. Quisque lectus lacus, porta sit amet lobortis et, venenatis et lectus. Integer eleifend augue at tortor mollis porttitor. Curabitur malesuada auctor dolor, quis consectetur arcu cursus et. Cras sagittis fermentum sagittis. Integer imperdiet sapien eu libero lobortis, sit amet finibus massa sagittis. Proin volutpat, ligula quis dignissim rhoncus, est est molestie libero, id laoreet urna diam vitae justo. Donec tempus congue eros, eleifend aliquet nisl blandit a. Vivamus sed diam at lorem convallis porta. Aliquam non lobortis sapien, non faucibus dolor. Duis enim justo, sodales a pulvinar a, porta ac augue. Mauris sit amet nisi lobortis, molestie purus ac, viverra metus. Vivamus quis odio malesuada, fermentum nisi ac, dapibus augue. Etiam vestibulum eget nisi vel fringilla.


out of character

updated 00 month 0000

ONE. Hey, hi! I'm bri, but feel free to call me by my character's name or my u/n.

TWO. i definitely prefer plot over wing and PMs over wall so I can keep track of it all. i do expect some cooperation when it comes to plotting as well. i want us to have a plot that we're both happy with. otherwise, it's no fun for someone. if you don't like something/something doesn't work with your character, tell me and i'd do the same.

THREE. i prefer 3rd, paragraph but nothing incredibly long. two or three solid ones are perfectly fine.

FOUR. reply speed varies because i like to give my best and i might be held up with school stuff or just not having an idea of what to say right away. (i'm a senior and i'm working on my thesis along with many other writing/linguistics-based classes, so sometimes writing for rpr is just hard because i get burnt out.) you don't have to poke me, i'm literally always thinking about it when i haven't replied and i promise to get back to you.

FIVE. if you feel like we need to work out some kinks, get back on track, or completely overhaul because the plot is straying or dying a bit, tell me! i'd do the same for you. we can figure it out together. team work makes the dream work, my dudes.

SIX. i don't plot budding romance, that has to come naturally between our characters. however, if it's something in the past or already established, that's fine by me. i don't do with minors, of course). if you're a minor or your character is a minor, buzz off.

SEVEN. finally, when it comes to starting, i don't do any of that "you ask, you start" stuff. if it makes sense for the plot to start with a certain character, that's who should start.



all plots are expected to be fairly long term to allow legitimate development of character and relationships

The Runaway

male or female / any status / OPEN

Tired of her mother's abuses, rejection from countless suitors, and a suffocating home life in general, Bomi makes the bold decision to run away. She hasn't been outside of her castle's border walls since she was 12 years old, but it's a decision that she's steadfast on despite her fears of getting lost, hurt, or kidnapped. One of these fears is brought to light, of course, when her horse gets startled by a noise in the brush and she's thrown from the steed. You happen to bear witness to this event and offer help to the royal fish out of water.

The Cursed Claw

male or female / any status / OPEN

Bomi's hand has been the scourge of her life for as long as she's lived it. It's brought hated from her mother, rejection from every suitor, and just an overwhelming feeling of isolation. Because of this, she works hard to keep it secret, even if she herself doesn't see it as the grotesque curse that everyone else views it as. That said, not all secrets can be taken to the grave and you accidentally catch one of the rare moments where [she thinks] she is alone and she's removed her gloves.

The Exception(s)

male or female/ any status / OPEN (0/2)

Pretty much everyone that Bomi reveals her secret to is instantly disgusted and unwilling to continue any association with her from that moment forward. This makes it hard for the princess to keep relationships, be they romantic or otherwise. But, there's an exception to everything and that exception is you. You meet under typical circumstances and a friendship forms. It's a relationship that eventually becomes so cherished that she's afraid to reveal her ungloved hands to you in fear of you abandoning her like everyone else. But when it's finally revealed, be it accidentally or through serious coaxing, you don't run away. [May lean romantically, may not. Depends on the chemistry!]

Vestis virum reddit.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Sed accumsan ligula felis, a fermentum diam rhoncus ac. Integer quam arcu, vestibulum vitae elit auctor, dictum hendrerit nunc. Phasellus ultricies risus eu risus fermentum tincidunt. Nulla tristique sapien ut ultrices sodales. Nunc laoreet arcu nisl, ac vulputate nisl placerat in. Vestibulum ipsum turpis, mattis ac velit at, pellentesque vestibulum arcu. Aliquam lorem velit, varius et dolor nec, aliquet dignissim mauris. Cras laoreet commodo nulla, ac maximus magna hendrerit quis. Mauris egestas felis eget augue mollis, at convallis nulla tincidunt. Nunc gravida, augue et commodo pretium, ligula mi varius ex, vitae congue mauris ex sit amet massa. Donec cursus lorem et ipsum tincidunt iaculis. Maecenas nunc augue, laoreet non consectetur et, luctus non est. Pellentesque lectus libero, finibus ac massa in, viverra dictum neque. Nulla ultricies id leo quis sagittis.


friends / icons

updated 00 month 0000


Yoon Bomi

created by pixels.

mood 56%


muse 72%


writing quality 48%


reply speed 34%


activity 88%


top 4 playlist

Forest's Lullaby


Cobblestone Village


Crystal Tears

