Personal Message

Hey all, just a quick PSA

I'm 21+ and am completely okay with doing M rated plots as long as everyone is of age

I've got a full time job so I may not reply as quickly as some would like, please keep that in mind

I'm super down for heavy plot (angst/drama)  and okay with

I do tend to mirror reply, so you'll get as good as you give

I do both 1st and 3rd 

If a plot isn't going right or you get stuck just let me know so we can do a quick course correction

Other than that, let's have some fun!




AGE: 23    Timezone: GMT -5   Gender: Omega   Affiliation: ONE    Position: Executive

General Info

Kim Yugyeom grew up in a relatively wealthy family. As the only son he was expected to keep his family name in good standing. But Yugyeom wanted to do more than to simply maintain his father's successfull shipping business: he wanted to completely dominate the competition. At the tender age of 23, he's already managed to assimilate the majority of the smallter transportation companies in and out of the city, slowly building a monopoly on trade. There isn't anything legal or otherwise that moves in or through the city without him at least hearing about it. From pharmaceuticals and construction materials to weapons and hazardous chemicals, he knows where, and when they'll be shipped. Naturally, this makes him a man in the know to both law enforcement and the underworld alike. With his reputation on the rise, he was approached to be one of the executives of the ONE organization, and knowing the type of influence and prestige came with the corporation he leapt at the opportunity and hasn't looked back since.

Yugyeom is a man who gets what he wants and has few scrupples about how he gets it. If his initial offer is outright refused, the he will turn to less equitable methods to see that his deal goes through. Never one to directly sully his hands with placing contracts out on competition, he prefers to either bludgeon his opponents with orchastrated thefts of product, distrupting trade routes, or  the sabotage of equippment, all with minimal loss of life.

His aloof and somtimes cold demeanor has aided him from keeping his more......unsavory dealings from the view of the general public, allowing him bolster the amount trade going on in the city within the past year. But as tensions rise tween the rival gangs (both of which he's had business with ) the spotlight shines ever closer on how he's managed to gain such a foot hold in the corporate world.



Yugyeom is a rather aloof, believing that as a man destined for greatness, he is above the common rabble (alphas and betas included). Those few who are honored to be allowed into his inner circle of "friends" (assets)  will find that while blunt with his words and cruely effecient, he is also very sincere, fiercely protective, and generous to those who show him loyalty. As an omega, he is prone to have episodes of hyper focus to the point of obsessoin (to an unhealthy degree) if something he wants remains elusive for an "unreasonable" length of time.