Personal Message
Name. Im Jaebeom.
Age. Twenty-five, 25.
Occupation. Knight.
Kingdom. Silla.
Orientation. Unknown.
Background. Jaebeom remembers cooking for his sisters: one who was often gone, one who was often studying, and two who pushed him around a lot. It was a hassle being the only son in a large family, inevitably having to display traits of being the one brother that his sister obtained. Though he doesn't mind doing so, it was refreshing to have a couple of sisters who boss and toy him with their mechanical tools and objects. Of course, these memories can only last for so long.
Now, Jaebeom holds a greater responsibility. His parents expected a son to push his boundaries, to be the witness of an immense opportunity; of course, that happens to be having a son who works for the royal family of Silla. This doesn't mean that his parents aren't working for the royal family, nor are they missing out on anything that the royal family has to offer. In fact, his family are too far from that situation at all.
His whole family works for the military. His father settles in a high position of the engineering department while his mother sits as the head of the medical department. Both of them are well-known throughout the nation, especially with his mother's discovery of a cure for a deadly disease. His sisters are no joke either, both climbing up the ladder with their parents' and public's expectations weighing on their shoulders. Together, they call themselves a family, but in fact, they are machines, and Jaebeom and his siblings are the result of it.
OOC. IMPORTANT. I am currently still taking college classes because my quarter does not end until early June. Please bare with me on replies. I may take some time to reply!
- Third POV only. Semi-para to novella. I often mirror so do not worry.
- I have a very bad habit of replying to DMs late. I post in rooms more than I do with DMs, so please do not think I am ignoring you because I am not. I just at replying back sometimes.
- My timezone is GMT-8, but I stay up really late. I do not think this matters, lmao.
- Please poke me if I do not reply after one week. It means I forgot or I forgot.
- Plotting > Winging. I despise winging. Though, I often do not have any ideas, so please prepare to brainstorm with me!
- I love pre-established relationships! Please!
- I do not believe in the you ask, you start rule. It's really dumb, so whoever is fit to start will start.