Personality summary goes here — Can be as long as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum — Can also be styled how you want it to be。
Character likes go here — Can be as long as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。
Character dislikes go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。
Character hobbies go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。
Character secrets go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。
Character fears go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。
Character bad habits go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。