Personal Message


Quick Info!


Kim Jongin


January 14th, 1994


Twenty-six (26)


Demiromantic Biual



Relationship Status

In a relationship w/ Ten

about me

The countryside had always been a breath of fresh air to Jongin. He could imagine living in no other place than here, picking fruit for his family to sell, tending to the farm animals, and having late night talks on the porch with his family.

Morbi ullamcorper purus eget massa sodales ullamcorper. Mauris viverra est vitae tellus tempor bibendum. Morbi hendrerit, metus at placerat molestie, enim massa pretium augue, at tristique diam nulla a erat. Praesent ac magna odio. Curabitur sed sapien nisi. Phasellus pellentesque leo sed justo varius laoreet.

the one and only

My love, the one I give my heart to, words will never be enough to express the joy you bring in my life. I believe fate brings two people to one another. I'm fortunate enough to have found you this early in my life. My heart belongs to you and only you.

plots & tracker

Character name

location + status

Character name

location + status

Character name

location + status


plot namereqs.

Etiam dignissim, ex vitae consequat commodo, odio erat cursus nisi, in ultricies arcu sem non elit.

plot namereqs.

Vestibulum facilisis, ipsum ac posuere elementum, eros metus tempus lacus, id molestie dui massa sed est.

plot namereqs.

Sed sed elit id tellus tempus varius. Duis et velit at leo luctus sagittis.

writer's info

Donec at congue ligula, dignissim hendrerit dui. Praesent nec quam consectetur, pharetra neque in, tempus erat. Curabitur eget lacus ac justo volutpat scelerisque sit amet vitae lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Morbi malesuada varius ultricies. Aenean sit amet lacinia risus. Phasellus interdum pulvinar nulla at scelerisque. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Integer accumsan tincidunt metus, luctus convallis magna aliquet non. Curabitur ut pulvinar neque, et faucibus nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



An angel blowing into me like the wind, the warmth I gain from you changes me, I’m not afraid anymore, because you’re by my side, because you won’t let go of my hand.