Personal Message
ears; two large and furry, teardrop shaped ears poke out from a touseled crown of tawny locks. they are a slightly warmer tone than his hair. they twitch when he gets overly excited. he doesn't like for people to touch them.
tail; holding more resemblance to a feather duster than a normal tail, it is long enough to reach the back of his knees, and it flicks back and forth, every now and then. usually to signify that he's annoyed or nervous.
spots; deep brown, nearly black, spots speckle the entirety of his back, covering him in natural tattoos. they creep over his shoulders and around his hips, but begin to fade just at his clavicles and his hips.
pigmentation; his wrists and ankles have, what seem to be, dark birthmarks in the form of skin-deep bracelets. though his wrists are sometimes covered in leather and jewelry anyways, the only accessory he wears on his ankle is one, dainty silver chain.
+ personality.
( + ) gregarious & charming; as the saying goes, he could strike up conversation with a brick wall. his outgoing nature is only rivaled by his silver tongue, and both has gotten him out of some very sticky situations in the past.
( - ) reckless & impulsive; hindsight is 20/20, and no one knows this better than him. he makes decisions on a whim, and is very much one of the more reckless, chaotic students on campus. he's found himself in plenty of trouble, both with the law and his own fraternity, for doing before thinking. most of his actions are direct results of his emotions, and he has a hard time controlling either one.
( + ) playful & whimsical; he loves to pull pranks, and make people laugh. sometimes, he can get a little carried away, but that doesn't mean it's not one hell of a ride.
( - ) promiscuous & a little sleazy; he likes to sleep around. a lot. and considers one of his biggest strengths. perhaps it's the fact that he's been labeled as such a playboy since he was a freshman, having been a couple years older than the others in the classes and serial dated the girls, but now, when he's the talk of the girls' dorm, it's usually about his skills in the bedroom. on a personal level, he believes that no girl wants anything more than a ual relationship with him, and sometimes that's okay. other times, however? it's a sinking, lonely feeling.
+ extracirriculars.
president of the alpha omicron alpha fraternity.
+ likes.
parties, alcohol, girls, alpha omicron alpha, camping, classic rock and roll music, makeout sessions, girls wearing his clothes, naps, the rain, attention, playing guitar.
+ dislikes.
studying, classes, hot weather, pop music, being alone, being ignored, when people pull his tail, when someone is mad at him.
+ strengths.
very ambitious when he sets his mind to something, is secretly smart (though, he definitely doesn't show it often), great kisser, fun sense of humor.
+ weaknesses.
does everything to excess, terrible at opening up, commitment issues, bottles his feelings, too relaxed.
+ random headcanons.
he disappeared; after highschool, he had a little money saved up from working part time jobs through school. he decided he wanted to travel, and he left his hometown, and his family behind without a second thought. money ran out about the time he reached europe, and ended up panhandling his way through italy and greece. he returned almost four years later, and enrolled in university.
he's multilingual; because of his travels, he is now fluent in italian and german, and can mumble his way through conversations in japanese, though it is painfully obvious he struggles with it.
brothers. though sam is three years younger than jake, they were raised in a tight knit family, so the two were always close. jake has no idea how sam feels about his departure directly after highschool, but he couldn't imagine it would bother him too much, even though they were close, he assumed sam wanted his own room to flourish just as jake did. was he wrong?
one of the more serious of exes turned sour, jake and ariana dated through most of junior year. when he felt like it was getting too serious, and realized she was probably looking for an out, he decided to give her one by cheating on her, knowing all too well that she would find out and dump him. in his eyes, it was for the best. he didn't deserve her, anyways. he'd caught feelings, strong ones, but would he ever tell her that, or allow her to keep believing that he was so nonchalant about their relationship that he could go behind her back?
these two go way back, before either of them enrolled in ihybrid. lisa lived with the kiszkas for a short period while jake was in high school, during a foreign hybrid student program their families had participated in. he didn't know at the time, but during the course of her stay, lisa developed a crush on jake. now the two are casual, some might even call them friends, though they're more connected via social media and their phones than in person socializing.
though they are in vastly different fraternities, these two have somehow become best friends, and even roomed together back in their freshmen and sophomore years, before finally splitting off to different houses. that doesn't make them any less close, however, and they spend a lot of their time together. jake can be a bit of a bad influence, and tends to want to get them into trouble.
the downfall of jake & ari's relationship came in the form of a sultry fox named alina; jake cheated on ariana with her and they continue to sleep together regularly.
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hi there! my name is keems. feel free to address me as such or my username when speaking ooc to me; i tend to prefer that to calling me by my characters' names.
do not mix these two with me. seriously. just because jake does or says something does not mean that i condone it, or that it is me talking. and vice versa, of course. likewise, just because our characters may not click, doesn't mean i have anything against you ooc or that i'm not interested in being your friend! in character chemistry is extremely important to me, and i won't force or change the way that jake is in order to have him fit into your characters' lives, and i would expect the same from you.
i usually do script style, though it will get lengthy and almost multi-para, and i consider it literate. this is because i've noticed, over the course of years of roleplaying, longer threads are much too difficult to keep up with and uncomfortable to feel obligated to pump out novella after novella. sometimes, i hang out in the chat rooms without doing thread replies. if you see this happening while you're waiting on a reply from me, i promise i didn't forget you! depending on how busy i am, or where my muse is at, i may focus on different threads or stay in chat rooms.
poking me is fine! please understand that i can be a bit scatterbrained when it comes to some things, and having multiple threads can be extremely confusing if i fail to keep a tracker (which is almost always) so, if you think i've forgotten about our thread, then please just shoot me a quick pm and i'll get right on it!
i love all genres, but i really flourish with , adventure, angst, and drama. if you're looking to do a fluff plot, i'm not opposed.
pm me for plotting, admin inquiries, and general ooc chatting. do not post on my wall at all, please and thank you. please don't try to force a relationship on my character, let the chemistry come naturally! if i'm going to drop a plot with you, i'll make sure to tell you before i do. i expect the same courtesy.
i work full time. i'm an admin. please understand that these two things are going to keep me extremely busy from time to time, so i may not always be available. if you see me online, but i haven't replied to you, it's most likely because i'm at work, as i am able to check my phone frequently, but usually unable to stay on it for a long enough time to do replies.