Personal Message
Aureo rosa
role : mafia 
occupation : owner of a lingerie company
note : please read profile first

gang : Aureo Rosa
position : second-in-command

A touch From your real love It's like heaven taking the place of something evil And lettin' it burn off from the rush. 

—cherry, lana del rey
+ alias: rosé
+ 11 february 1997
+ heteroflexible
park chaeyoung
aureo rosa / second-in-command
+ park chaeyoung.

— her origin.


this is not her life.

park chaeyoung grew up in a loving home, a middle class family with the white picket fenced home in the suburbs. her mom was from a wealthy family, who left it all behind to marry her dad. they are an ideal family; they love and understand each other. they enjoy each other's company, not resentful or angry as time passes by. when she was thirteen, the girl came home to their house already burned down to the ground. the cause of the fire? a gas fire heater left in their kitchen while her parents were asleep.

she is taken by the orphanage after that wherein she starts to isolate herself from others. she devoid herself of any emotion than anger and hatred; love made people weak and she couldn’t afford to be weak in this cruel world where she is alone. park chaeyoung is gifted after all unlike anyone else. she has a photographic memory and she can hack into any system.

on the night she turned eighteen, she was kicked out of the foster home. chaeyoung vowed that she would start anew.

an old couple, the owner of a local coffee house, took her in after finding her amidst the rainy evening. she stayed at the small basement of their coffee shop where she agreed to part-time in exchange for food and shelter.

park chaeyoung hacked into the system of a prestigious university that same night to create a fake record for herself.

first-year undergraduate student.

computer engineering major.

chaeyoung started a business of coding for computers and building personalized laptops for her clients for extra-cash.

everything changed after she encounter this one client who refused to give a name other than the alias ‘orange rose’.

park chaeyoung dig up everything she can learn about this client, only to find out lots of evidence that points to her client being a mafia underboss and having the same face as her. chaeyoung thought it was the red bull playing tricks on her after being awake for the last twenty four hours but, it wasn’t.

she has a twin sister and she came from one of the most powerful organized crime family. their parents separated the sisters at birth in order to be protected after their family fell out of power but, rosé found out the truth earlier than chaeyoung does and attempts to be reunited with her for them to sort things out—their family will rise to power once again.

and still, chaeyoung missed something.

rosé, her long lost twin sister, called out to her because she’s scared for her life. they agreed to meet up in an empty warehouse where chaeyoung arrived to see the dead body of her sister. a fresh gunshot wound on her chest.

rosé was assassinated by someone whom she knew—rosé saw it coming and so, she reached out to chaeyoung. who is behind all of this? rosé didn’t manage to tell her.

chaeyoung disguises herself as the late second-in-command of aureo rosa gang to find out who was behind her sister’s death.




— good traits.


+ highly intelligent. this is an advantage in dealing with gang affairs, and she values honesty the most from all her people.

+ shrewd and cunning. she tends to weigh all of her possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done.

+ courageous and daring. although, it is oftentimes extended to the point of her recklessness.


— bad traits.

- snide and cruel. she tries to find people’s dirt which she can use to blackmail them.

- lust and desire. she use and alcohol to fill the void in herself; and like all in her family, it is her weakness.

- manipulative and selfish. she has the tendency use people to her advantage.


— rosé and chaeyoung. 


* chaeyoung is more flirty, seductive, sly and cunning than rosé was.
* rosé has a tiny white rose tattoo on her lower right abdomen. chaeyoung doesn’t have one because she was afraid of needles.
* rosé is allergic to seafood; chaeyoung loves seafood.
* one of rosé strengths is identifying a person's anatomical weakness in close combat; it is chaeyoung’s weakness.
* chaeyoung has a stronger tolerance in alcohol than rosé. moscato is one chaeyoung’s favorite, rosé hates the taste of it.

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Lana Del Rey
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