Personal Message

Kim Jiwon 

24 Years old

Mafia - latro dacrus


 + Confident- Jiwon knows what he is capable of doing and doesn't question his work. 

 + Ambitious - Jiwon likes to be the best at his work and excels doing so. He doesn't want to be known as lazy. 

 + Dependable- he is a male of dependibility. You need him he will be there. 

 - Controlling - When Jiwon is in charge if something or doing something with others he tends to be controlling and tends to get upset if it doesnt go his way. 

 - Compulsive - Sometimes when facing a decision Jiwon is compulsive to pick the ones he thinks is best at the moment. He never thinks twice

 - Manipulative - Jiwon always finds a way to get fhing to go his way by getting others to agree with him. 

behavior: dom 

Postion: vers.

kim jiwon
role : mafia 
occupation : neuro surgeon

gang : latrodectus
position : surgeon
rank : amateur

Dans le jardin, comme les fleurs

❝ Message。

A Quote of a message would go here. It can be as long as you want it to be because the text box doesn't have a fixed height or anything like that. This area also doesn't scroll, so be mindful of that.

Full Name Here

Basic Information

Full Name

kim jiwon



Date of birth

21 Dec. 1995

Current age

24 y.o


nuero surgeon



Marital Status


Current partner

This is a text box





track title.

track title.

artist —>— (Time)

Some of the song lyrics can go here i guess idk. do with the rest of this space what you will. don't go past here tho.

history / about / bio

Kim Jiwon was born into a rich family owning one of the biggest tech companies, as the youngest son. As business owners and work aholics, his parents didn't have much time raising them personally and instead hired a live in nanny and butler to take care of their children while they were away or busy. They were to make sure that Jiwon and his eldest brother were to be raised like business owner, and they had high expectations for the both of them.

Around the age of 10 when Jiwon was in middle school, he had started to gain an interest in acting, and performed in many of the school's plays under the radar of his parents. It wasnt long before the school called his parents up asking them to attend one of his plays thay they quickly put a stop to it. They said they would not support their son going after a pipe dream and that he needed to be practical about things. It was around the same time this happened that Jiwon had noticed struggles going on between his parents as they were no almost always home. He would hear his mother shout at his dad about sleeping with other women and that he was ruining their companies reputation. With everything going on in his life,

Jiwon was told everyday that he was to be a doctor or take over the company and that he had no other choice. So thats what he did, he went to high school focusing on his grades, even surpassing a grade, getting to graduate at a younger age than most students. Because of his high academics Jiwon was accepted into one if the top schools, and when he graduated he went into an internship to become a surgical doctor, making his parents proud. It was at the end of the internship that he went the path of a nuero surgeon.

Having been stressed out by the expectations of his parents he went under the radar once more and got involved in illegal activities, always helping heal the wounded that couldn't go to a hospital for whatever reason they had. It was following this path that Jiwon had found himself in the gang known as latrodectus as a surgeon harvesting organs.

personality / quirks


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put that here. Type as much as you want here and get as crazy as you want. If you need a new line, just hit enter.


Put a quirk or fun fact here.

Put a quirk or fun fact here.

Put a quirk or fun fact here.

Put a quirk or fun fact here.

Put a quirk or fun fact here.

my beloved


mmm . dd . yyyy


status here


Nulla at nisi in erat dapibus commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse et massa a ipsum varius lacinia a quis sem. Nulla nec ligula at enim viverra ullamcorper. Fusce vel magna sed diam tempor molestie. Integer arcu sem, accumsan nec ante quis, tincidunt dictum dolor. Sed bibendum, tortor at lobortis aliquet, ligula diam aliquam neque, non aliquam arcu est convallis felis. Aliquam iaculis, lectus at tempor facilisis, metus eros bibendum massa, eu dictum augue lectus ut metus. Morbi pharetra lorem quam, sed pulvinar urna aliquam non.

out of character


Here would go your out of character information.


You are given seven individual bullets by default, and if you need more, you'll have to go inside the code and add more.


There is no limit to how much you can type here, but I would still be mindful of how much space I'm occupying with these lines if I were you.


Even with that said, though, just have fun and type as much as you need to for your ooc note stuff.


Also keep in mind that you can hit shift + enter for a new line, or you can just hit enter. Either way, it'll do the same thing since there isn't proper spacing for paragraphs and such RIP.


Filler text goes here since I have nothing more to note for this section.


Filler text goes here since I have nothing more to note for this section.


genre tag things go here.

scenario title

In luctus, ex vitae pretium accumsan, lacus tortor sollicitudin ante, at placerat massa massa vitae odio. Quisque tincidunt tellus a tellus molestie tempus. Donec enim ligula, mollis sit amet felis eu, gravida egestas nulla. Aenean quis felis non nisi semper dignissim. Curabitur imperdiet, nunc eget auctor rhoncus, odio ligula efficitur quam, sit amet egestas justo neque eget nisi. Vivamus vitae odio nisl. Nunc egestas vel mi vitae lacinia. Etiam dapibus velit cursus eros interdum tincidunt. Aliquam dictum blandit metus, ac semper urna cursus nec. Sed dapibus facilisis velit, non lobortis nisi ornare a. Ut consectetur accumsan porta. Etiam vulputate ut lacus id venenatis. Morbi ac tellus scelerisque, molestie erat non, pretium leo. Vestibulum blandit turpis ac metus lobortis, in cursus augue placerat.

genre tag things go here.

scenario title

Fusce sed dolor nec libero pulvinar egestas. Etiam sed pretium mauris, et interdum erat. Morbi sapien diam, tincidunt sit amet lacus a, fringilla pretium lorem. Donec ut vehicula lacus, cursus maximus libero. Morbi consequat laoreet interdum. Ut ullamcorper eget arcu vitae aliquam. Nunc augue nisl, vestibulum vel dui id, feugiat tempor lectus.

genre tag things go here.

scenario title

Duis placerat eros et consequat egestas. Pellentesque quis est porttitor, congue diam ut, imperdiet ligula. In semper porta dolor, eget dictum metus convallis in. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis pulvinar hendrerit risus ac dignissim. Etiam tristique, purus porttitor luctus laoreet, est diam fringilla erat, eu accumsan erat risus sed purus. Sed velit lorem, facilisis in dolor at, posuere semper sem. Donec et viverra arcu. Nam pellentesque orci velit, sit amet commodo turpis condimentum non. Aenean at sagittis arcu. Suspendisse iaculis gravida iaculis. Suspendisse blandit erat sapien, id tempor mi bibendum quis. Curabitur et dapibus nisi, eu malesuada est. Ut tristique sollicitudin blandit.