Personal Message
jung yein
role : mafia 
occupation : university student 
note : additional important info

gang : corvus
position : hitwoman
rank : intermediate
coded by yxgurt

l yangyang 12:53:00 AM Reply
l ten [A]1:52:32 PMReply
yein s t op

"yein's top"

 jung yein
 jung yein
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misanthropy. she despises the world from the very bottom of her heart, for humans are tainted beings, and the world is even more evil for letting such ills exist. such is why jung yein has chosen to rid the world of impurities. all beautiful things come to an end and this is something yein has become accustomed to from the very start of a pathetic existence. nothing good will ever exist for her in this world. this, she swears. university student by day, hitwoman by night. she’s everything you’ve heard of in fictional movies—coldhearted, beautiful, and can kill with her gaze. but of course every broken person needs a trigger.

happiness was all she had ever known for nearly half her life. you’d think she’d have grown up right in the head with a sense of justice that prevails, having had two parents who loved her dearly and dedicated the world to their little angel. had all gone well, she would have gone on to university like a normal girl, find love, get a degree, get married—who knows what could have happened? the only known fact is that what did happen is far from normal, and it was everything yein had never wanted.

why had no one told her that love was for naught? that she’d be cherished just to be torn apart and thrown away? that the concept of happiness imbued into her brain would only become a concept? her parents had become entwined with loan sharks out of their own greed and thus gave their “beloved” daughter away when faced with loans they could not pay back.

her world shattered. the contents of a life once happy had vanished from sight, melding with thin air. why had the world betrayed a young girl who had only ever known happiness? such left her vulnerable to the darkness of the world, striking her with no mercy. the empty doll had been pulled into a ion ring to make profits, and, when the hands of her first customer laid hands on her unsullied body, she snapped.

that was the first time she had killed a man. and oh, how it brought her joy, to see the splatter of vermillion, to see someone struggle to exhale their last breath. how delightful it was to have a chance against the world that had her. but in order to fool the enemy, you must first fool your allies. and so the young woman found herself working her way up the ladder of the corroding world, having been taken in as a hitwoman for corvus. getting paid to rid the world of its stains? what a deal.
personality / information
coldhearted, jung yein can be hard to get along with at first, for she prefers to work by herself. a lone wolf, she rarely works with others nor obeys those that are not her superiors. but when it comes to following commands, yein is one to get things done. expect things to be accomplished if you’ve come to yein for a task, for she never lets her customers and superiors down.

sympathy? she’s never heard of it, not after all hell broke loose in her life. nothing is as easy as taking a life from a human, a child, an animal—in her eyes, every living being amidst this realm is despicable, including herself.

self-love is yet another notion she has yet to acknowledge, for yein lives her life with no drive. each and every day is meaningless and she seemingly lives life on autopilot. she only waits for the day in which she faces the end. but while she lives, she must condemn the world that has wronged her.

likes: human physiology, dissections, cadaver labs, philosophy, nighttime, stargazing, rain, blood, the color red, whiskey, baked goods and pastries, dry humor.
dislikes: people, group projects, the world, herself, the sun.
hobbies: murdering people???
『 russian roulette。』
⠀⠀➻ m/f, any age。
⠀⠀➻ citizen/mafia。
⠀⠀➻ drama, angst, violence | possible tw: violence)。
┊load your bullets, twist the spindle, and give it your go. you find yourself occupied with miss jung at the local casino just past midnight, maudlin over whiskey and a liking for danger. will you test your luck with her tonight, with your life on the line?

k doyeon | church | reply owed
l ten | casino | waiting on starter
h hyunjin | mechanic shop | waiting on reply


to love was to love herself, and that—was the one indelible deed she could never vow to fulfill.
01. hello! feel free to call me by my muse's name, or even by my username.

02. i prefer third pov over detailed first, but will do detailed first for quicker replies or fast room interactions. length varies from semi-para to short novella. let me know what you are comfortable with so i can match my writing to yours.

03. i am open to any genre and am always willing to try new things. don't be afraid to ask questions or offer suggestions and/or recommendations.

04. muse comes and goes for me and can be extremely difficult for me to find due to ooc life. if i haven't gotten back to you, i promise i'm not ignoring you. i tend to update people if i am struggling with things in real life, so feel free to poke me if you haven't heard from me in a while. writing can intimidate/annoy people at times but please approach me! i'd like to work on my writing, get to know more people, and overall just try new things! ♥
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