Personal Message
role: mafia 
occupation: part-time professor
note: any additional info
gang: Corvus
position: trainer
rank: master
kim seokwoo .

quod nocet,
saepe docet.

The difference between the novice and the master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried. — Assassination Classroom Koro-sensei.

A hitman whom you cannot predict where he would come, where he stays and where he will attack. He reaps his victims like a black hole and he does his job as clean as his polished shoes. In his current age, his talents are on the top tier and he left a tremendous trail of corpses in his course. This is what a master is.

• omnia mors equat •

basic information.

  • Nickname(s): Janus (Two-faced), Smiley, Seok, Sir/Mr. Seok / Prince Professor, Prince Killjoy.
  • Real Name: Janus Alrick König (pronounced kö-nich]
  • Date of Birth: August 07 (turning 25).
  • Zodiac Sign: Leo.
  • Place of Birth: N/A.
  • Current Residence: Near workplace (he has several properties though).
  • Occupation: Corvus trainer (master), part-time professor.
  • Years in the Corvus: At least 10 years (excluding his prior services).
  • Spoken Languages: Too many to mention.
  • ual Orientation: N/A.
  • Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic.
  • Relationship Status: Taken by work.

appearance notes.

  • Height: 191cm; 6'3".
  • Weight: 74kg.
  • Hair Color: Black-brown — natural.
  • Eye Color: Dark brown — natural; he sometimes wears colored contact lenses.
  • Piercings: None.
  • Beauty Marks: Has a mole by his chin and near his jaw; has a couple more on his body.
  • Scars: TBA.
  • Tattoos: on his middle finger and ring finger — a knife and bull.
  • Clothing Style: Normcore, semi-formal, chic, tends to wear coats and trenches.
how far they've come.
their history.

ome kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

So far, so good. Looks okayish, but I don't know if I wanna stick with the circular look. Might change it to squarish. We'll see.

Paragraph of text goes here. You have unlimited space to type. If you need a new paragraph in this space, hit shift+enter. If you just hit enter, it will crate a whole new box thingy.

I think that's all I'm gonna add for paragraph space. Probably should add in a blockquote because I know some people use those.

Here dat be.

There. Blockquote added. I think that covers every fancy shmancy thing I do, so let me get on with finishing this code.

who they are.
their personality.

basic summary.

Seokwoo seems, in all account, to be a common man in his mid 20s. However, his godly features would often be in the way of his desire to live normally. Which, in reality, was impossible already because of his job. He is quite a generous guy and gives a lot to those who are in need (mostly his collegues and gang comrades). He's not a man of many words and would want to be directly forthright.

Cool and composed, he is not someone who lets things get under his skin. He is cool-headed and can keep his sentiments controlled, resulting a disciplined behavior in all aspect. In any event, when others around him are obviously unsettled, Seokwoo remains reliably undaunted. Maybe it is on the grounds that he is in the business for so long that he is utilized to the successive frenzy. That is also why to some, it would appear as he was incredibly haughty. Nevertheless, there are certain times where he would get caught off guard, but manages to compose himself in a quick amount of time.

He is also an intelligent fellow, his flexibility in the general public is prominent as he was not much of a talker so to speak. Sometimes aloof, he'd prefer the solitude and living alone enabled him to not give a by any stretch of imagination (aside from work).

Regarding work, he is somewhat a perfectionist. He loves to keep his job clean and polished. His frank words would often hurt people, his slight lack of empathy towards others urges them to be indifferent. It is not like he cares anyway. Due to his much love to his day and night job, he forgets to have fun that earned him a nickname "Prince Killjoy".

There are seldom times where he is in a good mood and this would accent his princely demeanor so whoever witnesses this must have carried out a truly beneficial thing in their previous existence。

their likes.

food — cola — coffee — teaching — shoes — serpents — board games — knives — weapons — seeing people beg — other's desperation — sweets —  driving。

their dislikes.

easily distracted people — too much noise — licorice — traffic — people mooching off of him — being disturbed — 

their hobbies.

cooking taking a drive training reading books — collecting buttons — drinking every night —

their secrets.

nice try。

their fears.

try again。

their bad habits.


their fun facts.

quite a great singer — he got his name Janus because of how he would manipulate people to his bidding, leading them to their demise — he's rich on his own — owns a lot of properties in and out of the country — he rarely uses his real name and not many knows it — he was the one who changed his names —  has lots of connections — ladies seem to flock him — he has two moles on his face — he hacked the Federal Intelligence Agency of Germany back when he was younger — he was recommended in MIT

their abilities (inborn).

— eiditic memory: everything his eyes see are automatically saved in his mind. one could say it is his pride in both being a hitman trainer and a professor.

— agile: despite his tall physique, he is quick on his feet.

— critical-thinking: his mind thinks fast in extreme situations that actually stimulates this ability more.

— flexibility.

— has at least 170 IQ.

— fast learner.

— tba

their skills.

— weapon mastery: from knives to guns, he has mastered every weapon in a young age. he can even use a pin to kill a person.

— multilingual: he managed to learn all of europe's languages and dialects within a year all the while learning other languages. it is known that he is one of the best communicators in his tier despite his animosity in socializing.

— artilery: knowledgable in heavy duty weapons as well due to his interest in land combat.

— driving: at a professional level. he can drive cargo trucks as well and he is currently opting to learn about trains. he acquired this skill because he just wants to drive.

— hand-to-hand combat: scarily one of his best skills as he likes to do his job face to face. he has a move called "1,2, die" where he sneaks on his victim from behind and chants those words before breaking their necks with his knee.

— sharpshooter: he has his pride to shooting one bullet per target. there was a news where two politician died at the same venue, with the same are that is shot. it was him who shot them. of course, he wasn't caught.

— enhanced senses: he obtained this skill by himself.

— camouflage: he can blend in well in the crowd to not be conspicuous.

— cooking: his love for food which is unlike a man like him let him learn it, just so he doesn't obligate himself to always eat outside.

— charm: pretty self-explanatory. note: for work


their weaknesses. (do not take advantage!)

pudding — 

the light of their life.
their beloved.
00 month 2020

Some kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

the mun behind them.
about their typist.

Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。 Make sure you already have something in mind before sending me a private message. I would appreciate it if you read my character's profile before proceeding on plotting with me!

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。 I normally do semi-para, para, to a novella. It depends on how high my muse is or how excruciatingly detailed we want our threads. 3rd pov is my medium in writing longer threads but I am flexible. I write according to what you would reply as and put as much necessary detail as possible. I can mirror your replies unless it doesn't need much, like the repetition of details.

•.*★ plotting style。 Plotting over winging most of the time so let us share ideas on how to make our storyline work, the more ideas the more wonderful our threads will be. I tend to play around plots too that it sometimes turns into winging them. I also don't typically approach people unless I have a plot or idea in mind, and I really like it when people do the same. Saves a lot of time, doesn't it?

Regarding starters, I do write it if it makes sense that I should so I expect my partner to do the same, if not, then we can brainstorm ideas on how we can start.

•.*★ overall。 I am very much flexible to anything so communicating with me is an aspect that must not be missed in our roleplaying. I would loge to roleplay with the same regards and for that, I am grateful if you have read this far! Let's rp!

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 Only poke me after 5 days of not replying to our thread. I take note of who I am roleplaying with so do not worry if you think I have forgotten you. Also, refrain from using my activity or lack of it as an excuse to pester me about a reply. It honestly won't do a thing and it may or may not lessen my will to actually reply so don't do like that bro.

I am usually fast with my replies especially when I have a high muse for a certain plot. So if I haven't replied for a while, refer to the section above. Or I might just be handling some OOC. if so, I would let you know. Communication is key. And don't be shy if you ever want to drop or relive a thread.

Location Preferences

Rooms are a must to keep the roleplay active! Please do not just post on my wall unless I permit you to do so. PMs are either for private matters and OOC business only.

who they know.
their connections.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.