Personal Message
choi minki
role : mafia 
occupation : insert here
note : additional important info

gang : avaddon
position : manufacturer
rank : beginner
choi ren
drug manufacturer
birth name choi minki
date of birthnovember 3, 1995
occupationdrug manufacturer
alias(choi) ren
scroll down
!!! suicide trigger warning !!!
choi minki led a normal — almost too boring life before it all went to .
he was born to a normal family who were generally supportive of his endeavours. he excelled at school, especially in chemistry, and would later graduate high school a year early to study chemical engineering in university with a full 4-year scholarship. as a student, he would help his peers and juniors whenever he sees them struggle, as he had always dreamt of becoming a teacher one day. this, of course, continued on to university, where he would offer private tutoring sessions for chemistry classes.
little did he know that his kindness would lead him to his demise.
one day in his sophomore year of college, a freshman approached him for help as they were struggling with organic chemistry. minki agreed, of course, but what was meant to be a mere tutoring session turned into a one night stand as they confessed to feeling lonely and needing someone to satisfy their touch deprivation. again, minki felt sorry for her and obliged, because nothing makes him happier than helping people fulfill their needs and wants.
then they revealed that they have been secretly filming it and that they will spread it around the university, and minki was mortified. he begged, and begged, and begged — knees and head on the ground as tears streamed down his face, his mind so full of thoughts that it just went blank in that instant. finally, they offered him a deal. it was a hilarious one had he not been the victim: they won't release the tape if he cooked them their supply of crystal meth.
once upon a time, minki had once dreamt of being the protagonist of a show. he should have been more specific, because while he did achieve that dream, he did not expect to live his life as a cheap imitation of breaking bad, but it's not like he had any other choice. he gave up entertainment, food, and other basic necessities to save up and buy himself a secret lab because he had nowhere else to cook. balancing his studies and his secret criminal life took a huge toll on him, and his grades started going downhill as he favoured the latter due to the looming threat of his tape being leaked if he doesn't cook. he finally reached his breaking point when he couldn't keep up with the minimum requirements to maintain his scholarship, and started consuming the same drugs he's been cooking.
in the meantime, his accidental crystal meth business started blowing up — not too big that he's still able to go under the police's radar, but business means rivalry, and one night, on his way home, he was kidnapped by a group that called themselves avaddon, a gang well-known for manufacturing drugs. why did they carelessly reveal their identity to minki, you ask? the answer was simple — they only gave him two options: to work for them and help them manufacture their drugs, or to die a slow, painful death. minki chose the former, thus marking his official descend to the underworld.
not wanting to draw attention to his now missing self, minki took extra measures to fake his death. to most people including his closest friends and family, choi minki had killed himself in his apartment the day he went missing, his 'suicide note' stating that he could no longer withstand the academic pressure in college amongst many other things. to avaddon, however, a prodigy has joined them as one of the best drug manufacturers the criminal world has ever seen.
and that prodigy goes by the name choi ren.
minki presents himself as a generally approachable man, and would often be the one to initiate conversation with strangers. despite what happened, he still displays the same compassion for people and will not hesitate to step in to help those in need — which makes him gullible and susceptible to lies.
surprisingly, he doesn't hold any grudges against the freshman who blackmailed him, nor does he resent the gang that recruited him. he forgives people easily, but he has a tendency to carry the trauma they inflicted with him. he copes with it by drowning himself with work to the point of obsessing over it and eventually burning himself out.

full nameLorem ipsum
dateLorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa.
out of character

3rd pov only (para to novella, but i generally mirror).

i prefer plotting over winging, but i can wing as well if i have enough muse to do so.

not open to for now but is flexible with everything else.

ic =/= ooc.

please try to familiarize yourself with my character before coming to my pms to plot. 

please do not poke me for a reply. i keep track of all my threads, so it's highly unlikely that i have forgotten to reply.

please inform me if you'd like to drop/make changes to our thread.