Personal Message

Tanaka Tentenko || Tenten || Tenko || 142cm || Citizen

+ Creative - Tentenko is a very creative person, often able to visualise things easily. As such she tends to favour more creative and imaginative hobbies such as writing, painting, and music based hobbies.
+ Compassionate - She's very much a people person, especially when it comes to people that are hurting. She tries her hardest to comfort them and give them a shoulder to cry on while she their hair.
+ Energetic - Somehow she never seems to run out of energy. She sleeps for at most four hours a day yet still has a neverending amount of energy to face the day with.
- Self-Destructive - After a few events that occured in her past, Tenko has developed some highly self-destructive traits. Namely her alcoholism and drug addictions. This also flows into any relationships and friendships she has and tends to cause them to end messily.
- Impulsive - She has very little impulse control and tends not to think about things until after she's done them. Sometimes this can be positive but more often than not those impulses tend to be violent or self-destructive.
- Hedonistic - Almost everything she does in is the pursuit of some sort of pleasure. Whether that's drugs and alcoholic, , or things that are less invasive. She focuses on her own pleasure and rarely thinks about anything else unless it's directly in front of her.

Tenko had grown up in a fairly loving family, and at a young age met the man that she thought was the love of her life. She stuck with him through thick and thin, and eventually at the age of 18 they decided to get married. Tentenko was working as a DJ at that point, and her lover was a law student, and they were both happy. Three years later her husband graduated college and around the same time, Tenko found out that she was pregnant. They were both ecstatic, until she found out that her husband owed several debts. Tenko was pregnant when they arrived at the house, and when they left she was bleeding. She had lost the baby thanks to her husbands lack of honesty and his absence. Tenko wasn't able to forgive him and soon after they seperated and eventually divorced. Tenko neglected her job for a while, before going back and acting as though nothing had happened, though soon she found herself behaving recklessly, trying new drugs and drinks and activities to try to get back the happiness she'd once had.
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