Personal Message
role : mafia 
occupation : sells antiques
gang : rattenfanger
position : scavenger
rank : intermediate
27 years
 sells antiques
gmt + 1
park seonghwa
park seonghwa
  sweet tooth
 tough heart


quiarky and active, lives for the entertainment, knows how to talk, loves engaging with people, weird kind of humour, very open when it comes to new things, cuddly with closer people, easily makes friends but is very careful who he can really trust 

where you can find him:

pretty much anywhere and everyshere but it is most likely to find him with either people or with expensive antiques. He does roam the streets a lot so if you keep your eyes open, yoiu will spot him


there was no tragic backstory that made him to who he was now. No dramatic set of situations that forced him into working with the mafia. NO; ACTUALLY SEONGHWA HAD just always been fascinated by the mafia and he had wanted to be part of it. Had wanted to be part of something bigger so here he was, having found his way into the dangerous world of the gangs – and he loved it. He was honestly made for it and even though morally he knew this was probably wrong there was no remorse at all. He had been part of the organisation for a few years already. He had finished his school, started university and while doing so joined the mafia. There was barely any contact to his family despite them being his perfect suburban family with loving parents and a great brother – they just had no space in his life. And while Seonghwa often seemed soft and sparkly on the outside he was a lot darker and rougher on the inside.