Personal Message
full name: kim taehyung
age: 24                            
uality: biual         
status: single                
scent: balsam fir, vetiver, cardamom.
            (very woodsy/earthy)
personality: sweet, open, personable,
         outgoing, and accepting.

Taehyung was born to a pack of rather traditional wolves in the sense that the worth of ones existence depended on their rank. As a child he knew no better so he often wished to be an alpha, partaking in the only thing he knew when it came to beta or omega wolves within the pack.

as he grew older his perspective was changed. an outsider visiting the pack brought with them a new understanding: what truly decided a persons worth? a rank? their actions? so many new doors were opened and before he knew it taehyung was left questioning.

by the time he realized he was what he had wished for all those years ago, taehyung had grown comfortable with the thought of being any rank. he grew comfortable with the beta wolves, he grew sympathetic and understanding of the omega, and his own downfall....growing to be far too leniant with his fellow alpha.

with a tendancy to brush of challenges, not mind being seen as submissive, and overall throwing the idea of ranks to the wind it wasn't long before he was the packs metaphorical black sheep.

and with this came the innevitable casting out from the pack as a whole.

now he is here, an oddity and a bit of a controdiction. 

rp tracking
park jimin - location - status
plot description

wang yibo - location - status
plot description

name - location - status
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name - location - status
plot description

name - location - status
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name - location - status
plot description

name - location - status
plot description

name - location - status
plot description

name - location - status
my love
        _____   00.00.00     single

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coded by naichakun