Personal Message
- genres : horror, thriller, mystery, adventure, comedy, angst, etc etc.
+ writing style : third or first. detailed. semipara to para or novella is fine!
+ things to note when wanting to roleplay: i do not date. i no longer have interest in it due to my busy schedules, unless stated or planned otherwise. another thing is i will be slow at replying. it may say i am online, usually it is because i did not have the chance to log out. with how busy my schedules are, i am most active on the weekends or at night.
+ i do not tolerate drama or accept it. if you're shady/rude, please save yourself the trouble from talking to me. i call out things like that. i just want to roleplay in peace, make friends, and enjoy my time here.
will be editing this to be more pleasing. also will drop some music from my playlists that inspired me for some of these plots lol! enjoy some icons of sunwoo haha.