Personal Message

9866bba819190d8029b5479bfe49bf81155fafdb.png By asian_star

Kwon Chaewon !
Kwon Chaewon !
#about me
If one were to hear her name, the immediate thought would be "that's Kwon Chaewon, the activist". But she is more than an activist. She did not become an activist overnight.
Chaewon grew up with her poor mom as her rich father was busy going after woman after woman. her mother did marry another man when chaewon was only 6 but that man was abusive and at an early age, Chaewon witnessed cruelty. It took five years for her mom to finally leave the man. However, her mom faced some criticisms from people that knew them. And from then on, Chaewon decided to fight for women's rights.
she's generally cheerful and nosy. She is investigative and tries to get to the bottom of things.
name here
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21 years old 
3rd year
women's studies