Full name: Kim Wooseok
Birthday: October 27, 1996 (Age: 23)
Occupation: Graduate Student
Course: Mathematics
Orientation: Panual
Status: Single
Background: Wooseok is born from a rather rich but broken family. His parents are separated since he was in high school and ever since the separation, Wooseok had been living by himself in an apartment. His father and mother both provides him with everything he wants and needs, spoiling him with material things - things that Wooseok tried to appreciate but he felt like they were just trying to make up for something that could not be made up. Wooseok grew up to be a genius at mathematics so his father told him to pursue a career in it. However, his heart belongs else where, which is in producing music. Currently, he is living by himself (and his pet cat named Goldilocks) in a two-bedroom apartment. He uses one of the bedrooms as a studio where he often does his producing hobby.

Personality: He spends most of the time with earphones plugged in his ears, listening to music while observing the people around him. He tends to appear cold at first but that is only because he is awkward and shy. Towards his friends, he is really caring and often, rather clingy.
Hobbies: Producing songs, playing the piano

P L O T C O R N E R (let's add deets)
1. adopter.
[gender: any, position: student] You and Wooseok have been friends since who knows when, ever since he was a shy puppy at the corner of the classroom. You take care of Wooseok as if he's your little child and he cares for you as his best friend.
2. singer. [gender: preferrably, a female, position: preferrably, a student] Wooseok was looking for a singer to sing his songs when he heard you singing. Shy but determined, he asked you to sing for the music he's about to produce. You agreed. From then on, you become a good team with him being the producer and you being the singer.
3. president. [gender: any, position: student] You have been Wooseok's friend for a while now and you're also the president of an organization. Somehow, you managed to convince him to join. Unfortunately, making him join the organization is one thing and making him interested enough to do actual organization work is another.
4. right swipe. [gender: any, position: staff or professor] Wooseok never tried dating apps before and you're his first right swipe. You two have been talking in this dating app for a while. What will happen when you meet in the university?
5. missing goldilocks. [gender: any, position: any] One day, Wooseok's pet Goldilocks went missing and you, who lives in the same apartment complex as Wooseok found her. Will friendship blossom afterwards?
6. coming soon. 

Kwon Chaewon | Half-sister (father's side)
Lee Jinsook | Half-sister (mother's side)